Autoflowering Regular Seeds Grow


Hi everyone finally getting my act together for my first time grow story adventure!

I want to check out 2 strains, Jet 47 Reg Auto and Onyx Reloaded, starting the seeds off by soaking in filtered drinking water from my tap/faucet.
filtered water in glass, also add 3/5 drops of hydrogen peroxide, bought mine in Boots for £1.50, stir water well before adding the seeds, and stir again after adding seeds to water.
I will leave them for 24 hours
The seed coat softens by soaking your seeds in a hydrogen peroxide solution, allowing the seeds to absorb more oxygen.
This results in increasing germination speed.

The seeds are soaked and are now sowen in the green cups since yesterday 25/09/24, as shown in images attached.
I moved seed from glass with clean spoon not touching seeds with my fingers,don't want to give them my germs.
The ONYX Reloaded seeds all germinated in 24 hours, the Jet 47 seeds didn't crack or germinate in the glass as quickly as the ONYX Reloaded.
24 hrs more and hopefully we see little sprout, lets see what happens in the next 24 hours, 48 hrs for m, but you have to be more patient with Auto seeds, they have thicker husks and can take longer for the water to penetrate the shell and swell up the seed forcing it to open it's white asian eye!

Lets see what tomorrow brings to life!

This is where we are at since sowing 26/09, 6 ONYX Reloaded and only 1 Jet 47 have come up above the vermiculite, 7 out of 16 Reg Auto seeds, 9 more seed to sprout.
Each Pot is Half filled with lite mix compost and Half filled with Vermiculite , watered planting medium before sowing seeds 2cm deep in planting medium.
The seed will push through the vermiculite easley with very little effort, in effect increasing higher successful germination rate, the compost will offer the first tap root an immediate lite nutrient supply.

Let's see what becomes of 9 more seed still to sprout :wall:


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Since last few days 9 Auto Regular seedlings are cosy under the propagating hood!
Being careful the young seedlings don't dry out, can't take the risk when they are only little plants, the hood holds the humidity and assists the little seedling with holding their hydration and moisture, this is the most delicate part of the growing process, and it's the part of growing we all need to master for success.

100W LED grow light is positioned about 20cm above the reg auto seedlings.

9 seeds out of 16 seeds germinated over the last 2 days, 7 ONYX Reloaded Reg Autos and 2 Jet 47 Reg Auto's are now growing under a 100W LED light, they have had a mild feed of Plagron Terra Grow 3ml to a ltr of tap water
1 Onyx Reloaded didn't germinate and 6 Jet 47 Reg Auto's didn't germinate, not a good packet of seeds, not very viable seeds unfortunately.

But the 9 little reg auto sprouts are developing nicely, removed the hood and are now progressing well with a lite fan keeping air round the seedlings moving, temp 26 degrees, the seedling appear to be content in this temp and can deal with the new outside of hood environment temp!

Lets catch up again in a couple of days, thanks for watching!:peace:


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Hi again

3 of the 9 Auto Regs are not looking to good.
I have placed a bag over the seedlings not looking so good in an attempt to contain humidity andkeep seedling hydrated.
The Spanish outside temp is still almost reaching 30 degrees.celsius, and it keeps catching me out, the inside grow room temp is the same, which is challenging for these little Auto Reg seedlings to remain hydrated.
6 of the 9 seedlings are looking good and healthy, i have given another mild half dose feed Plagron Terra Grow.
4 Onyx and 2 Jet 47 look strong and healthy and i believe will survive

See you all soon with my next report



Hi everyone time to catch up again, sorry for late report.

Out of the 6 Reg Autos only 3 are looking healthy and strong, they have been planted on into 5 and 4 ltr size pots and placed under a 100W LED light, grow room temp 29 degrees, still hot for seedlings, humidity 65%
2 are Onyx Reg Auto and 1 Jet 47 Reg Auto.
5 are under a propagating hood not able to deal with the Spanish heat.

I started with sowing 16 Auto Reg seeds, only 9 germinated and now only 3 strong reg autos are surviving and growing normal.
6 plant are dying as a result of a combination of very sensitive genetics, plus to hot for seedlings to thrive, and also human error as a result of being caught out by this relentless Spanish high temp outside.



No good news here, It's been a disaster this whole Reg Auto seeds grow.

2 out of the 3 remaining Regular Autos are not doing so good, 1 Jet 47 is fighting strong, wile 3 onyx may not make it?
It's the dam heat, 30 degrees, plus autos don't like transplanting resulting in transplant shock? but i believe it to be the bloody heat which i can't control this regular auto project is a failure, out of 16 seeds, only 9 geminated, and 6 of these have died from heat exhaustion.
I will abandon this GJ in one more week if the 2 Onyx don't recover.



Well-Known Mod
Staff member
No good news here, It's been a disaster this whole Reg Auto seeds grow.

2 out of the 3 remaining Regular Autos are not doing so good, 1 Jet 47 is fighting strong, wile 3 onyx may not make it?
It's the dam heat, 30 degrees, plus autos don't like transplanting resulting in transplant shock? but i believe it to be the bloody heat which i can't control this regular auto project is a failure, out of 16 seeds, only 9 geminated, and 6 of these have died from heat exhaustion.
I will abandon this GJ in one more week if the 2 Onyx don't recover.
So sorry to hear that.


Hi all! sorry for my delay, we are just barely hanging in here?

1 Jet 47 is fighting strong, wile 2 Onyx now looking like they are going to make it!
Jet 47 is a male, 2 Onyx now no idea yet?
Keeping 1 Jet 47 under 100W LED light.
Putting 2 Onyx into flower tonight under the 250W LED 13/10/ i want to make some Reg auto seeds, hopefully the 12/12 light cycle will accelerate the 2 Onyx into flowering and catch up with the Jet 47 auto reg male's fresh pollen.
I will keep yeall posted real soon



Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Yes it's been a big let down and disaster with these auto reg seeds, from Flash Seeds, not getting any more, good to make your acquaintance
I've had really good luck with Bodhi but I don't do autos. I'm so OCD I'd lose my find if I found a jackpot auto and couldn't keep her cloned LOL so that's my reason plus I'm purely indoor. I could see autos being great for outdoor. Many of the guys swear by Mephisto's auto genetics. Nice meeting you too!


Well-Known Member
I have had best luck with not transplanting autos. For soil grows I like to just put them in 3gal bags right after they pop.
Yours looked great just before you use any mycos to help roots acclimate?
Do you think the soil was too hot?...although the surviving ones don't really show that as the issue.
Those temps...although on the high end should not have been enough to really hurt them.
Not familiar with Flash seeds.....I run a lot of Sweetseeds autos with good luck.


I have had best luck with not transplanting autos. For soil grows I like to just put them in 3gal bags right after they pop.
Yours looked great just before you use any mycos to help roots acclimate?
Do you think the soil was too hot?...although the surviving ones don't really show that as the issue.
Those temps...although on the high end should not have been enough to really hurt them.
Not familiar with Flash seeds.....I run a lot of Sweetseeds autos with good luck.
Hi Driver77 nice to meet you! yes man your right about that, you have to be very careful transplanting, only with the gentle touch, i even cut the pot open and peel it of the formed rootball!
No i didn't use mycos to help roots acclimate? i use lightmix Biobizz compost, and half strength Plagron Grow or Terra Grow.
It's the heat that's causing the seedling to dehydrate.
I've been growing Flash Seeds for many years, i like to make my own reg auto seeds, and their auto strains are good, beside reg auto seeds are hard to come buy now? not many auto seed brands sell auto reg seeds:wall:


Well-Known Member
You might give mycos a try...I use Great White brand but any will do the trick I'm sure. Steroids for roots basically. Really helps during plant/transplant too.


Hi everyone

I put 2 Onyx into flowering room since 13/10 under the 250W LED on 12/12 light cycle, not sure if boys or girls yet? soon as i know they are out of there rapido, and put outside south east Spain.
The Jet 47 Reg Auto in the bigger pot to the left in image above will pollinate what i hope to be 2 Onyx Reg Auto ladies?
We will see soon enough as the 12/12 will speed up the ID for males or females
Thanks for watching :D

