Automatic control system for my indoor.

Smith Dickinson

New Member
Hello people! It’s not very long since I grow by my own. Before I used to do it with some mates and since I’m living alone I’m doing it by my own. Thing is, the other day they told me that they were going to get a device that lets you control your complete growbox from the phone and that it was dirt cheap, so I asked them what was it called and I started to look into it.

The device itself is called Growmotics (I’ll leave you the website in case you want to check it out: and according to what I read you can plug the lights, fans… basically all your devices and control everything from the free smartphone app or from the web.

According to what I’ve seen it’s pretty small, even more considering that I have several timers that will disappear with this device (at last!) from my growbox and only with it I could control everything. Besides it seems like they have an encyclopedia with tips, advices and so that seemed to look good. (Just for sharing in social networks they will send it to you, I already did =P).

It seems like it will be in Indiegogo for a little over a month and it will be cheaper while they are in the page. (I didn’t know it but I’ve been taking a look around and I think I’ve decided to get me a couple of things).

In short my mates have talked me into it and I’m practically convinced about getting it this week. What do you think?
