AutoPot Seedlings Feeding


Active Member
Hey guys new here! I am not new to growing but new to hydroponics. My seeds are auto WW and NL they are soon ready to be planted. I am using the autopot system with the air domes and using coco and perlite.

I am using advanced nutes grow/micro/bloom ph perfect and have calmag. I will be hand watering them untell they get bigger and some root mass before turning on the system.

I am wondering if someone could maybe give me some advice on feeding like how many times a day and should i use the grow/micro/calmag for the seedling?

In coco I grow in root riat and wait till.i see roots coming out the cube plant them in to small pots and water 10ml just water for 4 days then 20ml for 6 days wait till it drys out a lot then water the seedling till water comes out the bottom wait till it drys then repeat when I see roots coming out the bottom of the little pot I transplant to it's final growing pot. 500lm of water then wait till it starts to dry out then repeat until it starts needing more water. Also when I transplant to final pot I put them on 1/4 nutes for a week and slowly up it. Good luck.