Autos 1 photo question


Well-Known Member
Well for the first time ever i got autos from attitude i got dutch passion auto blueberry, dinafem critical jack. and from auto seeds auto pounder. as a freebee i got punky lion photo by samsara seeds. my question is how many clones can i pull off punky lion.. i ordered all the autos with out even thinking about the fact that i cant keep them going the way i use to with photos... im an auto noob.... as well i was wondering if anyone had any experience with punky lion because once all the autos are grow chopped smoked all ill have is the mother and clones left of punky.......i dont wanna have to place yet another order for photos lol


Well-Known Member
not sur ei fully understand the problem, but my advice is :
plant all your seeds, veg the 1 photo plant for the entire time your growing ur autos, employ training techniques such as topping and supercroppign to create a giant bush, then after u harvest ur autos you should easily be able to get 10-20 + clones off the photo plant and that should be a good start on ur next crop. while I don't have experience with that particular strain 3 months that it takes to grow a full auto is definatly enough time to grow a large mother plant