Autos and their yield?


Active Member
I was wondering what is the round about average a auto produces. I have a small set up and only need about a ounce or 2 a month. Ive been thinking about getting autos and planting 1 a week for 4 weeks. In theory i should be able to harvest them a week or 2 weeks apart from each other. Ive seen 8-12 weeks from seed to harvest is this sorta correct? I am a newb and still learning :)


Well-Known Member
A good strain of autos can easily produce 2-3 oz of weed per plant under the right conditions. I recommend auto seeds as a breeder as they have done very well for me in the past. 3 month strains yield much better then the 2 month strains.


Active Member
Where do you order your seeds from if you dont mind me asking. Is there a strain you would recommend?

brotes grandes

Active Member
10-12 even 13 weeks is the usual for the better strains I've been told first hand by a grower pulling no less then 4oz dry every 10 or so weeks off of one plant and he usually does 4-5 plants a time. As Adjorr said auto seeds r good. World of seeds,barneys farm and nirvana are some of the best seed banks for autos. I've just got the auto bug myself and have planted bubblelicious,nlxbb and a royal queen northern lights auto. I've smoked autos grown by long time growers who know their shit and the quality is par with photos and in some cases far far better then them so I guess if you know what your doing atleast 2.5+ oz dry per plant is attainable. Good luck if you start your auto path :)


Well-Known Member
most of the seedbanks carry autoseeds just look for them where the site lists the breeders they carry. Sea of seeds is one of the best and they have a rollitup promo code. Im sure you'll find a strain you'll enjoy


Active Member
Im workng on a list of seeds to get i want to run autos indoors and pick up regs for outdoors. I was thinking 2 different strains of autos and a few different ones for outdoors. I will get back with a list later in the day thanks guys. Which company us better for shipping to the east coast US, Sea if Seeds or Attitude? Also my plan is to run autos through the winter and plant outdoor regs in the spring. Im trying to get a jump start for the end of 2013 and the start of 2014 season .


im growing auto ak it says 56 day then harvest but the now im getting a heat of 95 its a small cupboard got a 5 inch tt as extraction and a small fan is that temp to high any ideas? im putting lights on at nyt to trying to avoid intake but might have too and trying to find dry ice in uk nuts

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
Pic 1 - my "Early Wonder Skunk" hempy grew big (about 5 ounces) but I wasn't overly impressed with the quality, lots of leaf within the bud....hit & miss, some buds are better than others

my friend is growing one indoors with sunlight, it seems to be doing good with sunshine but not much volume (pic 2)



Active Member
They are both autos? One day im hoping to produce a garden that green. Are you able to lst autos the lights i have cant support 1 main cola that much higher then the rest of the plant. Im a welder so i might build a light system that will be adjustable around the plant in and out as well as up and down for the top. Ive been working on some blueprints here and there. Any body ever use sweet candie as a breeder? Im realizing that seed hunting is harder then it looks. Prices are good then boom you have 300 bucks in your cart. Then you have to dwindle your selection lol.


Well-Known Member
Damn indoor that is a nice looking tree yah got there. I tend to avoid the "dwarf" "early" "60 day" or "lowryder" strains as I believe them to be to ruderalis dominate when it comes to the smoke quality. I like strains with only just enough ruderalis in them to make them autoflowers. I know ive posted these pics a hundred times on this site before but: here is my polar express autos that I did on my first grow they are a northern light x g13 haze cross breed autoflower. I had 2 plants one showed indica dominace and the other sativa dominance, the sativa yielded more but the indica had a better high, they were both pretty good about 3 1/2 months from seed to harvest, there 3 months old in these pics[HR][/HR]IMG_2153.jpgIMG_2171.jpgIMG_2185.jpgIMG_2184.jpg

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
I agree Adjorr, as little ruderall as posiable....I would not buy these "early wonders" again except for an outdoor grow where there is a limited amount of summer growing months, thus time is of an essences

In my situation (600w HPS), they grew like crazy but the buds didn't become as firm and solid as I would like and the ones in 2L pop bottles were even less dense, but my friends sunshine grow will produce decent buds

It's unlikely i'll ever use auto's again in the grow room as I just don't see a big advantage anymore.


Well-Known Member
There is no such thing as a dumb question.
Just like with regular seeds, yield with autos depends on variety and how it is grown.

I have grown autos that put out 5-6 ounces per plant (auto SLH) right next to an auto pineapple kush that put out 2 ounces.

Here is a link to the Super Lemon Haze auto that is the best auto I have come across for yield and potency:

I love autos for noobs. They can take a beating compared to regular seeds and still produce.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
They are both autos? One day im hoping to produce a garden that green. Are you able to lst autos the lights i have cant support 1 main cola that much higher then the rest of the plant. Im a welder so i might build a light system that will be adjustable around the plant in and out as well as up and down for the top. Ive been working on some blueprints here and there. Any body ever use sweet candie as a breeder? Im realizing that seed hunting is harder then it looks. Prices are good then boom you have 300 bucks in your cart. Then you have to dwindle your selection lol.
yes, they are both the same "early wonder skunk" autoflowers....the big gal was a 11 litre hempy bucket grown under a 600W HPS.....the small one is an indoor-sunshine, grown in dirt

I'm not an expert on auto's but are like "plug and play" can grow 24/0, 20/4, 18/6 12/12...whatever you want, but don't LST, or top, or clone and avoid transplanting (start in final pot)


Active Member
I think I want to try and go with the lower yielding faster strains. There is so much curb appeal the breeders have going on it isnt funny :P. I want to keep the plants as short as possible if possible. I don't mind taking some of the quality away since Ive only had no name bags thus far. If a decent grown auto with less thc and cbd and whatnot is the same or better then some bag of OH, wonder what this is gonna be like :) Im 100% okay with that, even 1 oz to 1.5 oz yield is good. I wasn't sure how the gr/m2 really worked until after I made this post. I have enough room for the time being to handle 2 small plants at once, but I figured if I plant 1- 8 week strain and 4 weeks later plant another, every 4 weeks I will have a harvest keeping them to a height limit and staggered I think I could effectively have 1 cure every 4 weeks as well. Also I can you less lighting possibly by doing this? My grow area is very small 42" long by 23" wide by 5' or so deep/ tall. Does any of this sound as myth-busters say Plausible? Or am I rambleing on like a idiot with out a clue, I'm ok with the truth guys :P


Active Member
Also, sorry for making another post so quickly, I wasn't sure how big autos could really get in a short time until it was put into perspective for me. Again ty all for your help and consideration :) The list is still in progress, seed hunting is like a good day on the boat waiting for that perfect catch lol.


Active Member
Ok I think I got it this time, I swear it has taken me 2 days to get this list together, I cant grow all of them at once, but I was kinda thinking of having a little bank for myself as I don't want to order more then a few times from any seed bank :) Im gonna post the list as a photo hopefully that's ok. Attitude has a ton of promos so I'm not gonna list the free stuff but it was 6 fem seeds with 1 being an auto. That part will change when I do order in a few weeks to a month so not to worried about that :). I figured everything bought will take about 1 1/2 years to plant and harvest but my math could be way off lol. If I only get 1oz per auto the plant will pay for itself 10 times over the money I would spend on better quality bag/ non ditch I'm limited to where I am located. Another thing is this, when running autos do you put them under veg lights or just flowering lights the entire time? Oh almost forgot sorry the total with RolltUp promo code comes up to $83.42 which is freaking awesome if you ask me. But as I said before the curb appeal whew it gets to you lol. So all of my ambleing on has come to this list. What do you guys d gals think are my selection ok, good, poor, sucky :P also what I'm trying to do can it be done?
got it.jpg


Well-Known Member
what your trying can definatly be done, in fact I considered doing it myself for a while. That is easily the biggest advantage of autos that they can be planted every other week and become a perpetual harvest all within 1 grow room. Your seed list looks good though ive never grown any of those strands. If I were you id go around looking for grow journals on those strands to see how they turn out. As long as you get something your going to enjoy growing and smoking than your set as far as im concerned


Active Member
Ive been researching sweet seeds and auto seeds and both have had good reviews the occasional oh this is junk blah blah but 90% of what I have seen looks to be very promising :) as far as the fem seeds for photo's I didn't do to much research on them but I have come across a few post about barneys farm red dragon which where very good reviews. The twilight meh I planned on growing that out doors with the red dragon down the road and I'm probably going to use up my freebies first. Now here comes the part no newb should ever ask about but here I am like hundreds of others :P So this is my plan and I have been trying to really get a positive yes this is a proper way to get more seeds... dun dun dun. So here we go lol my plan is to use colloidal silver on 1 branch of the sweet seeds auto black cream and save the pollen from the sacks later on I would like to pollinate the next black cream seed I plant but only about half of the plant so I can have half of the plant to use for myself and the other half producing F2 seeds giving me a option to have the fem auto sweet cream genetics later on down the road. Ive read hundreds of post and there is nothing that is 100% yes it will work or no it wont. I want to do a simple breed for seed:) just to have the strain around for a later date without having to order it again. Now from what I have read is that you can do this but for 1 generation so F2 seeds will be just for flower harvest cure then smoke. If I where do make F3 the genetics will most likely be become unstable and I wont have any control of what the outcome will be, is this correct? If this is going to work I'm not sacrificing much or much time as well as having to back-cross inbreed ect ect ect, I'm polish and that is to damn complicated for me I don't want to make a different strain just keep this one alive. ANYWAY! :P back to the main topic whew I got side tracked there sorry. Adjorr you and ISK have really helped me out a ton and I honestly feel that I have to ty you guys personally. If not for you both I may have giving up a few months ago on my first grow, which is still going strong so damn close I want to CHOP CHOP like a ninja. I know that autos do not produce the big yield that everyone wants, but I'm not selling my harvest it is for personal use so as long as I get 1oz per plant per harvest every 4 weeks I will have more then enough to have and store it.