Average age of RIU members?

How old are you?

  • Under 18, GTFO!

    Votes: 12 3.0%
  • 18-25

    Votes: 148 36.5%
  • 26-31

    Votes: 79 19.5%
  • 32-40

    Votes: 70 17.2%
  • 41-48

    Votes: 38 9.4%
  • 49-60

    Votes: 45 11.1%
  • 60+ Good for you, oldtimer!

    Votes: 14 3.4%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
So, not that it really means much, but I was wondering the average age of everyone on RIU...I know there is quite a diverse population here, wondering if we have any growing grandma's and grandpa's out there...haha...


Well-Known Member
Age is really more of a state of mind, I've met some old souls in young people....

Unless of course we're talking about your body degenerating...damn you father time!!!!!


Ursus marijanus
Yer gonna have to speak up there Sonny ... I can't quite make out the words. *wicked denture-smacking noises* cn


Well-Known Member
Yer gonna have to speak up there Sonny ... I can't quite make out the words. *wicked denture-smacking noises* cn
You need your glasses to use the computer, grandad...Geeze, guess the alzheimer's is finally kickin in.

EDIT: That's actually not funny...poor taste Meta, poor taste......


Well-Known Member
Average age is the ratio of the lowest age added with the highest age and averaged? I'll take an educated guess: 27