Average age of RIU members?

How old are you?

  • Under 18, GTFO!

    Votes: 12 3.0%
  • 18-25

    Votes: 148 36.5%
  • 26-31

    Votes: 79 19.5%
  • 32-40

    Votes: 70 17.2%
  • 41-48

    Votes: 38 9.4%
  • 49-60

    Votes: 45 11.1%
  • 60+ Good for you, oldtimer!

    Votes: 14 3.4%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
hang on i'll load up my bong broseph

come to hum co we'll have a BBQ.
Ok...I'm taking off work thanksgiving weekend...Was thinking about vegas, but I'm thinking I'm too broke for Vegas...meet me down in Modesto and we'll party with NoR*CaL too!


Well-Known Member
Ok...I'm taking off work thanksgiving weekend...Was thinking about vegas, but I'm thinking I'm too broke for Vegas...meet me down in Modesto and we'll party with NoR*CaL too!
Distance between modesto CA and Arcata Ca is 363 miles.

That's not even CLOSE to me bro!


Well-Known Member
sometimes i hate that california is so big...

i grew up in western new york bro. if someone lived near me i could meet them by the stop sign. lol
Haha, but Cali is the shit BECAUSE it's so big...we have some good land here, I love ALL of California....


Well-Known Member
That's Look's good,,,on a baske't,,,Or a,,crispy bagel,,,my wife eat's Banana's and penut butter sandmiche's,,,Blagh....Need a new computer and shit to take good pic's in the Cookin' thread:cry: