Average Bud Size and Dry Weight


Active Member
so im just wondering.. whats the average size of a full size mature bud... like i have some indica plants that are already pretty fat i was just wondering.. will this thing get huge or is the size 21 days in to 12 /12 the biggest size now there putting on weight? i dont see much growth but i see them everyday.. my friend says there getting huge compared to wen he sees them 2 times a week maybe more


Well-Known Member
21 days in?! thats like 3 weeks in 12/12 you need 8-10 weeks or more it matters on strain! those buds got alot of growing to do!


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
A lot of indicas finish in 8 weeks flowering, but you can always go the extra couple weeks for a more finished THC (although lower content.)

My harvest yielded good size nugs (even pulling early), and they only lost about 30% size drying. Weighing today will post a video on my hermie thread.