Average growth rate?


New Member
I have seen people talk about a slow growth rate. Is there an average growth rate with which to compare the growth of my own plants to? I need a starting point.


Active Member
from my experence the first 2 months are slow but then it starts to just grow massive from then on just takes some time.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
from my exp. i get my clones between 4 & 6 inches tall plant them in 19 gal. pots w/ a 400 wtt mh i see a 2 to 2 1/2 inch groth a week during veg.


Well-Known Member
there are many strains and i'm sure they all grow at different rates depending on the care they are getting and the inviroment.


Well-Known Member
from my exp. i get my clones between 4 & 6 inches tall plant them in 19 gal. pots w/ a 400 wtt mh i see a 2 to 2 1/2 inch groth a week during veg.
Damn that sorta seems like overkill, 5 is fine, 7 is great....but 19, damn thats fuckin huge, I guess if you got the space for it. Me, personally, I try to fit as many plants as I can under one light. As for the growth rate question, it depends on the strain a lot, a couple of inches a week sounds about right. Ive read that under ideal conditions cannabis can grow 5 to 6 inches a day:shock:. Ive had plants that were easily growing an inch a day, but 5....you could practically watch it grow.


Well-Known Member
During veg my first grow I saw about 1/4 inch a day using 12 100 watt cfls. I saw the same rate for the first 3 weeks of flower under a 400 watt hps but for the last 3 weeks they have been growing 1 to 1 1/2 inch a day. They started out at 14 inches and now are about 36 inches.


Active Member
I'm currently setting up my next grow. I'm currently perusing a double major in physics and mathematics, and thought it would be interesting to see if I could pin down a rough mathematical model for the daily growth of a marijuana plant, so that if conditions remain constant and everything goes as planned, you could predict, with a decent degree of accuracy, both the expected height of a plant and yield. Obviously, because of genetics, it is impossible to build a mathematical model (equation) that works for every strain. But this isn't a Thesis, it's just for my own entertainment, so I'm going to give it a shot.

The key to understanding how marijuana grows is understanding that it presents itself as an exponential function. In NON mathematical terms, this means that the rate of growth on any one day is contingent on the cumulative growth that had occurred on all prior days... To simplify it even further, as the plant continues to grow, the number of leaves that it has (and the size of those leaves) increases, which allows it to absorb more light than it did the day before, and thus accelerates the rate that it is growing... Each day, the rate that it grows becomes faster, which causes leaves to become larger and more numerous, and then those leaves absorb more light that causes them to grow faster than they did the day before...

This is why you see such little growth as a seedling in comparison to the last week of vegetative growth, and likewise, why you see such little bud growth in the first week after the first bud appears in comparison to the lady two weeks of flowering. I've read that nearly 30% of your total yield occurs in the last 14 days.... Building a mathematical model to predict growth would show that ONLY through an exponential equation.

I'm growing from bag seed, looking for a mother to cone, so that seems like a great opportunity to start collecting data on this, as I'll be starting with roughly 80 seedlings from a variety of mystery strains... The data is sure to show wide variation between this many plants, but there should be a general trend that can be found that could be considered fairly reliable under these conditions. Depending on what I find, I may do this a couple times with different conditions to compare rates of growth under different levels of watts/ft^2, and once the data is well rounded enough, a final mathematical model can be built to predict the size of a plant on any given day, based on any number of watts/ft^2 that you plug into the equation, and would even allow you to change the lighting throughout and predict the most efficient use of electricity to produce the maximum yield.

Or.... Maybe I just need to smoke a little bit more, because I'm taking this WAY too seriously. Lol. I enjoy it though.

Maat Aatack

Well-Known Member
Cool stuff... I really enjoy how math can be applied to just about anything with an impressive level of accuracy. Curious...

Jyl Lytle

I'm getting an inch and a half to two inches of new growth daily, and i'm still in the first week of veg. Use ground up fish and potatoes in your soil. It slow releases CO2 to your plants, feeds them the vitamins and minerals they need. It also doesn't burn them like synthetic fertilizers.


Well-Known Member
An ideal setup will pack on a couple inches a day after a couple weeks from seed. Growing with CFL's in a pc your not going to ever see that lol. Can't compare apples to oranges.


Well-Known Member
Looking for a baseline in growth would be impossible really. Too many genetic, environmental, and other variables. Not to mention growth is not linear throughout the life cycle.