Avi tribute to Pinworm

i hate adderall.
i know that it being a combo..the pink generic made by corepharma provides the most euphoria(used to get asked all the time to order that one), but its still lame-o speed. cant sleep, dont wanna eat, just have energy, and your dick dont wanna work right. its not intended for recreational use. now if your recreation is popping 20mg and stayin up all night studying i can see that, believe me ive been there. always use drugs for good! lol
but ya i would definitely say yiu need a pinny avi pronto to combat your addy dysphoria
Can someone edit my avatar to look like pinny's face is just covering the skull and the flames still go over the eyes? K thanks.

I have been like seeing his face everywhere. Cult of pinny up in here.