Avoiding a beat down


Active Member
So just got back from riding the mountain bicycle around and had a couple joints so I'm just talking with a friend he leaves and a guy sees me smoking a joint and says get the **** out of here with that so I just hold my ground and he comes up to me asking me if I want to go 1 vs 1 I don't like to fight so I say no :finger: and he leaves then he comes around the corner and ask me again to get off my bike and tells me were going to get down so I stay cool he's with a girl so he's trying to get tough so he trys getting me off the bicycle aand kicks my tire but I ride off. Is it smart to not fight in this situation? I was least half the size of this guy. Also had a little purp on me so best not to get any law involved.


Active Member
No I think he thought I was dealing because I was on a suspicious looking mountain bike it's like I just can't ride my bike and smoke a joint without some form of drama happening.


Well-Known Member
gotta be smarter...but don't let people put their hands on you or kick your bike...this guy sounds like an asshole though....it took me until i was 26 to realize it is best to smoke at home...if i want to smoke away from home i roll a blunt or two and take with...never a bag or glass


Active Member
The real asshole move that pissed me off was that he tried smacking my joint out my mouth I mean come on who does that.


Active Member
Well dude, obviously that guy has some issues. Be smart though and light your dubes away from strangers. I get paranoid as all get out when smoking outside my house. Maybe for good reason.


Active Member
Hahaha thanks Nice Ol Bud for restoring my day. Yes everyone I do prefer to smoke inside I just thought I would enjoy the nice sunny day in So Cal.


Well-Known Member
Tough call, someone touch me I'm looking to hurt them, unless I just don't feel like it that day. Someone try to smack a joint out of my mouth, I'd probably get real pissed, and I'm not afraid to tool up if someone is bigger then me (if they started it). I'll get cave man and crack you over the head with a stick or a rock.

Best just to be safer though, in the future. No use getting your ass kicked either.


Well-Known Member
if you were in florida you could have pulled out a handgun and shot his as dead and "stood your ground"


Active Member
Damn bro. I haye hearingbstories like this. I hate bullying. I mean i pick on my friends but when i dont kno people i sho nothing but respect. Unless they are a dick to others. Then im a dick head back and cant wait for u too say the wrong thing. Im not afraid to fight. Hell i do it 3 times a week in the gym. take up boxing. Or sum sort of self defence. Ull thank urself once u look back on it in life.

Remember tho... No matter how big sumone is. It will hurt em to hit em in the face even if ur a dweeb
it hurts when my 6 yr old accidently hits me in the face. Or punch em in the throat.