Well-Known Member
LOL, even your avatar won't show up. Sorry man!Working on getting a Ti domeless looks sick. stll cat post any pics what the hell
btw, ebay, $25, came w/ dabber tool and silicone round case. solid!
LOL, even your avatar won't show up. Sorry man!Working on getting a Ti domeless looks sick. stll cat post any pics what the hell
Do yourself a huge favor and download a Photobucket account..
Then you don't have to post the thumbnail pics..
Not trying to offend anybody here..
But...why the hell would one take the time to take pics of their stash, only to post it into a shitty thumbnail format.??
It's super easy to get a photobucket account and you can store unlimited photos/videos in the cloud instead of hogging your device's memory.
Posting pics becomes easy and fun...they come out big and detailed without having to utilize the RIU photo up-loader.
You do realize that those thumbnails become the property of RIU once posted.
Even my pics are technically RIU property because I posted them on their site..
This is why my good photos have the Sir dabs logo on them..
Demz mah peekchurs kitty cat!!!
Nice, I think I call those a belly button rig...haha...I have a quartz dome less nail like this one...Sick rigs y'all.
Quartz domeless
Enail coming soon.![]()
I don't understand the healthstone stuff. I bought one but it hits lousy (except for hash) and a lot of the wax ends up in the rig. I emailed healstone to ask what I am doing wrong and they never replied. 2 weeks later I see aqualab offering these with a reclaimer on them. Must be a common problem then. Seems like a cycle of a stone for a medium which doesn't filter good enough to put a reclaim system on it so you can run material through it again which should have been filtered better to begin with. Seems like they should offer different types or densities of a medium for different products. I have been able to get much better hits using ashes as the medium in certain slides and my rigs stay clean compared to using healthstone. Much, much cheaper as well, just doesn't look as cool or support healthstone. I'm new to this so I might be completely wrong that's why I'm questioning your little piece got replaced/ upgradeddd
previously pictured up top was my old rig, pretty sweet how chambers would fill up with oil.. now all the oil just goes straight into my body : [
Thank ya War!Pretty damn nice SD. I'm jelly lol
Not sure yet.that is awesome is he selling them yet?
I got to get one
Hello lildog...I don't understand the healthstone stuff. I bought one but it hits lousy (except for hash) and a lot of the wax ends up in the rig. I emailed healstone to ask what I am doing wrong and they never replied. 2 weeks later I see aqualab offering these with a reclaimer on them. Must be a common problem then. Seems like a cycle of a stone for a medium which doesn't filter good enough to put a reclaim system on it so you can run material through it again which should have been filtered better to begin with. Seems like they should offer different types or densities of a medium for different products. I have been able to get much better hits using ashes as the medium in certain slides and my rigs stats clean compared to using healthstone. Much, much cheaper as well, just doesn't look as cool or support healthstone. I'm new to this so I might be completely wrong that's why I'm questioning your post.