Awesomest place you never thought would be awesome high


Well-Known Member
or a place you though would be awesome high and really was awesome. whatever. tell us about it!

mine was the zoo. we got SOOO BORED looking for parking we started smoking while we were driving around. it was AWESOME!!!


Well-Known Member
Well i got say school. I love it. I feel my brain does lot better high then not. but my grades say i do better sober lol.


Well-Known Member
or a place you though would be awesome high and really was awesome. whatever. tell us about it!

mine was the zoo. we got SOOO BORED looking for parking we started smoking while we were driving around. it was AWESOME!!!
Dude i would love to get high nd go to the zoo, But i KNOW! i would get kicked out.


Well-Known Member
Well i got say school. I love it. I feel my brain does lot better high then not. but my grades say i do better sober lol.
ha! In English I found out I did better high :P
Althought I almost failed it (55% because I didn't hand in much of my work..) But on the final exam, I blazed right before and all my friends were like 'Your a fucking idiot bro' I just said 'Don't worry guys.. I got this' then started laughing my ass off :P

Went into the exam, wrote the fucking short story, got a 91% on it for creativity and how well it was written. If I would have gotten much worse, I would have failed xD
That was in grade 10 btw.

Funnest place that I didn't expect to be fun was..
first time I smoked a blunt. Was in grade 10 also I think. but I was out of weed, and my dealer was out of weed, so we went to his dealer, who was half way across the city, and neither of us had our drivers licenses (This was either grade 9 or 10.. can't remember..) anyway's so we smoked a blunt, then started biking to where we were meeting him. It took us 2 or 3 hours to get to where we were suppose to be meeting him. On the way back, I found a way to get back in 10 minutes. We were laughing our asses of. So that's when I realised how fun biking can be while high. It's probably the funnest thing to do :D :joint:


Active Member
I cannot even fuckin go places high. I tried to go to McDonalds once and these bitches were literally trying to pull me out of the car. I was just sittin there like "No, no, please no. Im too high. No."

I ended up handing them some money to bring me back a McChicken, but one of those bastards ate it. That was fucked up, cuz I paid for the weed too.

Once I actually made it into McDonalds, though. I was just sittin there the whole time, like "Everybody knows, man. Everybody knows. Somebodys gonna call somebody. Am I talking loud? Are people looking at us? Jesus, everybody knows."

Its weird, though. There are times when I cant keep my shit together, but there are times when someone around me is acting high as fuck, and Im totally cool. Ill be sittin there like "Dude, we're not even that high. Chill."


Well-Known Member
I cannot even fuckin go places high. I tried to go to McDonalds once and these bitches were literally trying to pull me out of the car. I was just sittin there like "No, no, please no. Im too high. No."

I ended up handing them some money to bring me back a McChicken, but one of those bastards ate it. That was fucked up, cuz I paid for the weed too.

Once I actually made it into McDonalds, though. I was just sittin there the whole time, like "Everybody knows, man. Everybody knows. Somebodys gonna call somebody. Am I talking loud? Are people looking at us? Jesus, everybody knows."

Its weird, though. There are times when I cant keep my shit together, but there are times when someone around me is acting high as fuck, and Im totally cool. Ill be sittin there like "Dude, we're not even that high. Chill."
LOL, there always is a sketchy person in a group xD

One time in grade 10 summer, me and another kid were staying over at this guys house. (boy.. lots of things happened between grade 9-11..AHH 9/11 CONSPIRACY!!!(sorry I'm really drunk but keeping my shit together :D)) anyway's we snuck out at like.. 3 AM or something, snuck up onto our old middleschool, school and blazed on top of it. the kids dad phones his cell phone and is like 'Get your ass home NOW' so that kid is just sketching out hardcore, the other kid we're with is like fuck man.. Then I'm there just laughing my ass of going 'No way man.. this is so not happening, your just fucking with me arn't you!' just laughing then we get to his house and I'm still like 'man did I just have a crazy trip or shit man..' I didn't believe it happened at all, but I'm normally pretty chill in those situations :P