AWWWWWWW nightmare with safer 3-in-1!!!!!

wow so im fixing up my hydro set up aka cleaning and re doing the nutrients in my rez and i start to think since i have spider mites and the plants are all outside and separate im gonna hit them with the safer. so i did and ya the sun was out. but as i brought them in nothing was wrong with them. looked all pretty and shit. thennnnn like a couple hours later i check up on the little ones and i have this shit!!! here the pics. but i think i just mixed it to concentrated and burned PICT0768.jpgPICT0769.jpgPICT0771.jpgPICT0765.jpgPICT0766.jpgPICT0764.jpgPICT0767.jpgPICT0770.jpgthe fuck out of them. i actually dont know anything to do so i just took ph adjusted water and sprayed the fuck out of them. even took one into the shower and literally soaked the bitch without un adjusted phd water. i was just trying to get that shit off.

so my questions or question is what do i do in this worst case scenario? should i say fuck it and cut as many clones and try to root them all fucked up. any input i would appreciate thanks


Well-Known Member
I thinking you left something out of your post:lol:What did you mix to concentratedbongsmilieOver feeding to many ppm at 1 time will put'em shock:lol:What are you growing in:lol:I went back to look to see what your growing in clay good luck:lol:Over flushing will put'em shock but they should come out of it:eyesmoke:
i mixed the safer 3 in 1 i bought the concentrate and i think i put tooo much of that shit in. Ya i tried to get some more pics to see whats up hopefully these help i cleaned the lense and changed the resolution hopefully i can get somethin haha



Well-Known Member
Doesn't it say something on the bottle about not applying in the sun?

Also, making it stronger than the directions call for .............

Don't blame the Safer's, it's all on you. Called a learning experience.

yupyup learned. so should i put the plants in the shade after spraying? and also said something about using soft water wellllll i have very hard stuff fuckin around 8 ph and 340-380 ppm tap ughhhh its bad. but what do u think i should do start a new batch?


Well-Known Member
Of what? The Safer's or plants?

The Safer's for sure. You might want to get a bottle of spring water or the like just for the Safer's if your water is rhat hard.

The plants? Give em some time and see what's what. You burnt them, but they'll likely survive.
