AZ Caregiver Looking for 2 More Patients


I am a medical marijuana caregiver who will be assisting patients in the Maricopa region. As a caregiver, we are limited to only 5 patients so approval is on a first come first serve basis. As soon as an established license is set up we may begin legally growing your medicine. My operation will be open book allowing you to see accrued expenses, and my business plan will be shared upon request.

If there are any patients who need a caregiver to grow for them, assist in dispensary options, and/or provide answers to any questions you may have please contact me.

***I am also fluent in ASL (American Sign Language) and D/deaf patients are highly encouraged to apply.***

Hello, im looking for a caregiver in the northern Arizona area, near Page, or closer to Fredonia in cocconino county, anyone that could help would be appreciated
Dealing with shady CLUBS

Going on a forum has nothing to do with entering the club... MasterS is a caregiver... I doubt he would be visiting the club other then to get clones.

I would much rather talk about trading with someone im already positive is a card member, then discussing with someone who just says they are a card holder.
Going on a forum has nothing to do with entering the club... MasterS is a caregiver... I doubt he would be visiting the club other then to get clones.

I would much rather talk about trading with someone im already positive is a card member, then discussing with someone who just says they are a card holder.

Welcome back AZCS drone..... when that club gets raided Feds will have ALL of your info you idiot.
AZCS is terrible....the weed they sell is so shitty im shocked people buy it.

Rottenboy is a fucking tool and only comes around to defend Azcs, meaning he is one of teh stupidest people on this site. DIAF
Going on a forum has nothing to do with entering the club... MasterS is a caregiver... I doubt he would be visiting the club other then to get clones.

I would much rather talk about trading with someone im already positive is a card member, then discussing with someone who just says they are a card holder.

If HE is a caregiver and GROWING why the F@#k would he get clones from them??
MAster is there cause people here are dicks ...thats pretty much it. MAster is a cool ass due so i have no ill words to say about him at all. Even though he frequents that lame site.....^^
Going on a forum has nothing to do with entering the club... MasterS is a caregiver... I doubt he would be visiting the club other then to get clones.

I would much rather talk about trading with someone im already positive is a card member, then discussing with someone who just says they are a card holder.

And that is the reason you see and show cards B4 anything else. I have met some cool people on here that i would nvr have met otherwise. Not saying some people might not be lieing....its the interwebz . and met my wife online like 12 yr ago lol.
I ghost on occasion ^_^

Just don't get very much, I keep coming back to help and encourage people. I'm bad at listening to the part of me that says screw that site.