AZ - Kushberry, Purple Kush and LA Confidential - 10/6 Start


Active Member

OK Team! Sorry, i am a few days late had to head to Detroit for a wedding. Here is a photo of about 4 1/2 weeks into Veg. The plan is to put these into flower tonight under my new 1000W HPS. They are looking pretty lush and I continue to tie them down via LST.

Question - should i continue to tie down a few weeks into Flower?

They have been getting 1/2 strength Fox Farm Nutes and are now being given a 50/50 mix of R/O and Tap Water.

The other two plants under the CFL's are a bit behind these, so when these head to the flower room, I will move these into the tent under the 400W HPS for a week or two to help them gather some size.

Thanks team - questions and comments are always welcome!



Active Member
Ok today i moved four of the sluts into flower and the other two under the 400W HPS veg tent. I did this after taking 6 clones, hopefully my clones take as i am right @ my 12 plant limit.

I also tied them down some more before they get too woody to manipulate.

Will post photos soon.



Active Member
SHIT - I just OVER-NUTED. Swithed over to Fox Farms and with my first full strength Nuting - i used 2 Tablespoons of Tiger Bloom and 1 Tablespoon of Big Bloom rather than Teaspoons.

How concerned should i be and what if anything can i do about it?


Active Member
Week 6 - Week 2 of Flwr.jpg
Hey hey hey! Here is a photo 7 days into flower - they seem to be blowing up in size - hopefully they won't stretch too much more. The plant in the front right is the purple kush - seems to have some yellow spots on the leaves?

Could that be from nutrient rich water splashing on them? I have looked for mites, but don't see any using a magnifying glass.

Thanks team, any feedback is appreciated!



Well-Known Member
wow man they are looking very nice. They yellow spots lookinn like light burn from water getting on the leaves.
they look mighty fine to me man^^