I think I could get into trouble if i linked my domain here. I think rollitup would have to approve..

I don't understand why that would be more problematic than linking to RIU when posting to another site, or someone finding RIU through Google.

Just seems like a waste if you bought a domain name and have it parked somewhere saying "Check back later." Might as well put some context to get it indexed more meaningfully, and add value to anyone who'd find it (by referring them here).

(I still think it would be a large burden to put a forum and yourself beyond the reach of law enforcement. To generate that trust. I wouldn't trust myself to do that effectively. It would be hard to trust a stranger did it. If the forum would only be for legal card holders, maybe it wouldn't be as much of an issue. If it's for "all things 420." You have to be very careful about the trust you're encouraging, and the ramifications of being wrong. Even if visitors don't think of it themselves.).
You make valid points and I appreciate them very much. I am not just sitting on the domain, Ive only had it a week. Im working on setting up hosting and security along with enough bandwidth to host a chat/forum the way I want. I envision a site much like the AZCSForums were before they closed it down. They had an open section and a verified card holder section. I have made contact with the old Admin of AZCS and offered to join him in building a new site. We will see if he is interested.. I also have some friends that are willing to help me design it for free so that will help alot. and are now pointed here to the AZ forum section. I am steady working hard at getting a site together.

I was thinking more of a page hosted somewhere (like 000webhost, a free host site) so various terms like "Arizona 420, AZ cannabis forums," etc. could be indexed by search engines. When a visitor finds your site (while under development) through a search engine, they could quickly get here via a link.

Pointing directly here through DNS or a redirect won't make your domain name discoverable through Google. It's just an alias that people would know only if someone gave them the alias.
Yeah... again im no web guy.. I would love for someone to help set it up.. I can afford to pay for the panama hosting, but what I want is a Vbulletin with a chat addon... Vbulletin wants $100 for 1 year access, or $180 for lifetime with $40 upgrades. Maybe there is a different program we could use? I could really use some help with this, as ive come up with a cool app idea and im trying to get that up an running also.