AZ MMJ Patient looking to become caregiver for legal, approved patients!!


Hello. I am a registered mmj patient in Arizona pursuant to prop 203. I have my authorization to cultivate and am currently looking for new patients to sign up as a caregiver for. I have much experience and knowledge in regards to the methods of cultivation of medical marijuana and would love to assist those in need, and I guarantee a great, reliable medicine. I will be mobile as well.

I am looking for patients IN ACTUAL NEED OF MEDICAL BENEFIT in any of the following cities:

Fountain Hills






***Pursuant to the Arizona Medical Marijuana laws and statutes, your, as the patients, residential address you have sumbitted for your mmj application must be at least 25 miles from a dispensary in order to legally obtain a caregiver to sign your cultivation rights to. Visit, visit the medical marijuana page, and at the top will be a link saying "medical marijuana address validation". Click on this and type in your address at the bottom to see if you qualify for a caregiver!***

I'm aware there are many abusive people in regards to why they obtained their medical marijuana card. If this is you, I am not the guy you need to contact. I am looking for patients who have full faith in the healing powers of medical marijuana and actually need it and benefit from it. If you are interested in signing me as a caregiver or curious to know exactly what specifications there are, please leave a comment or message me and I will respond in a timely manner.

Happy holidays and best wishes. I hope to hear from you soon.


AZDHS certified patients only.

I understand that contacting this person:

1) I am a Arizona resident age 18 or older.

2) I have a written recommendation for the use of medical cannabis from my doctor.

3) I am not a law enforcement officer of any kind, or operating under an assumed name or in cooperation with any criminal investigation; nor am I seeking out evidence which may serve as the basis for any charge of violating federal, state, or local laws.

4) I will not use the information provided for any non-medicinal purposes.

5) Anyone who uses the provided information for any purposes what so ever, will be assuming their own liability, and are responsible for their own actions.

6) This medicine will be consumed only by me and/or other Prop 203 patients.

*** This notice is intended for Arizona medical cannabis patients in accordance with Prop 203. This information is not intended for any other purpose illegal or otherwise. This is a legal advertisement for Medicinal Marijuana in compliance with Arizona Prop 203
Craigslist ads coming to RIU. Nice. For anyone looking for patients outside of the 25 miles this is exactly how NOT to do it.
Irieie, I don't understand how my post is in any way shape or form unethical nor illegal, especially with regards to state laws. Please give me your insight on this, so I may take note and learn something. I'm new to the AZ laws and all, especially how they are ever-changing
I see nothing illegal about what you are proposing...

Maybe a bad approach but not a bad idea...

Best place to start looking for patients is your own circle of friends/family.

Good luck my friend.
Irieie, I don't understand how my post is in any way shape or form unethical nor illegal, especially with regards to state laws. Please give me your insight on this, so I may take note and learn something. I'm new to the AZ laws and all, especially how they are ever-changing

Patients generally want discretion. Forum adverts don't imply that kind of thing. I think that's what he was getting at.
Irieie, I don't understand how my post is in any way shape or form unethical nor illegal, especially with regards to state laws. Please give me your insight on this, so I may take note and learn something. I'm new to the AZ laws and all, especially how they are ever-changing

No one said what you are doing is illegal. Why do you think it is illegal? It is just not a very effective way to go about what you are doing? Do you have any actual experience? Have you ever harvested a successful crop? We don't know anything about you why would you expect to receive any serious responses?

Your ad reads like spam. It is exactly what one wohld find on Craigslist. For all we know you could be an undercover.
I understand that contacting this person:

1) I am a Arizona resident age 18 or older.

2) I have a written recommendation for the use of medical cannabis from my doctor.

3) I am not a law enforcement officer of any kind, or operating under an assumed name or in cooperation with any criminal investigation; nor am I seeking out evidence which may serve as the basis for any charge of violating federal, state, or local laws.

4) I will not use the information provided for any non-medicinal purposes.

5) Anyone who uses the provided information for any purposes what so ever, will be assuming their own liability, and are responsible for their own actions.

6) This medicine will be consumed only by me and/or other Prop 203 patients.

*** This notice is intended for Arizona medical cannabis patients in accordance with Prop 203. This information is not intended for any other purpose illegal or otherwise. This is a legal advertisement for Medicinal Marijuana in compliance with Arizona Prop 203

Maybe this^^^

What does it mean? Is it some sort of cloak of protection? Means nothing to me except - don't contact the person.

Lets see what you are offering to qualifying patients you intend to caregiver for... A good start.
It's a secret spell that makes the poster immune from any sort of prosecution lol. And magically makes all of their activity legal. It also makes one invisible to the police and essentially investigation proof also. Lol.
It's a secret spell that makes the poster immune from any sort of prosecution lol. And magically makes all of their activity legal. It also makes one invisible to the police and essentially investigation proof also. Lol.

Just taking all possible precautions possible sir.
No one said what you are doing is illegal. Why do you think it is illegal? It is just not a very effective way to go about what you are doing? Do you have any actual experience? Have you ever harvested a successful crop? We don't know anything about you why would you expect to receive any serious responses?

Your ad reads like spam. It is exactly what one wohld find on Craigslist. For all we know you could be an undercover.

Misunderstood your intent behind your post, my apologies. I do indeed have experience with soil, but intend on moving to hydroponics for a much smoother and quality system, as well as product. I will also be mobile and go to where my patients are, considering I am the one offering caregiving services. As for my harvest, I'd say it's a 50/50 split of mostly sativa and mostly indica.
Misunderstood your intent behind your post, my apologies. I do indeed have experience with soil, but intend on moving to hydroponics for a much smoother and quality system, as well as product. I will also be mobile and go to where my patients are, considering I am the one offering caregiving services. As for my harvest, I'd say it's a 50/50 split of mostly sativa and mostly indica.

Not enough facepalms for the bolded statement.