AZ MMJ Patients Fighting Against 25-Mile Rule

To all the nay sayers thinking this wouldnt go anywhere.. the motion has been filed to Abolish the 25 mile rule thanks to Keith Floyd!

Legalization is also in the works for those of you who haven't heard. [video=youtube_share;f8vF_jd2GX0][/video]

If you want to help support the legalization efforts join this facebook group
If your looking to find and sign a petition to get this on the ballot for 2014 check and find your nearest petition location.

Too soon IMO. Should have let the laws settle in. Not to mention the people who brought this forth are total idiots. One of which, just robbed someone I knows home.
Not to mention the people who brought this forth are total idiots. One of which, just robbed someone I knows home.

God i HATE to agree with you ... but ur 100000% right. The people involved are HIGHLY under educated, WOEFULLY underprepared and just pain ignorant of how to go about things.
Bob Clark, Keith floyd are fools..... we'd all be better off with out them imo. They also associate with some VERY unsavory people, thieves(as LV said) liars, scammers, and they are too stupid to realize half of their "team" are criminally retarded.

Its really sad to see them at a Norml meeting pretending they are Che reincarnate
Hÿdra;9270039 said:
God i HATE to agree with you ... but ur 100000% right. The people involved are HIGHLY under educated, WOEFULLY underprepared and just pain ignorant of how to go about things.
Bob Clark, Keith floyd are fools..... we'd all be better off with out them imo. They also associate with some VERY unsavory people, thieves(as LV said) liars, scammers, and they are too stupid to realize half of their "team" are criminally retarded.

Its really sad to see them at a Norml meeting pretending they are Che reincarnate


jk.. that would be a totally inappropriate reply to that post you just made. :peace:

Kieth Floyd and Bob Clark are the same person for those that don't know. He's a complete jackass and borderline homeless at the moment.

jk.. that would be a totally inappropriate reply to that post you just made. :peace:

Kieth Floyd and Bob Clark are the same person for those that don't know. He's a complete jackass and borderline homeless at the moment.

I have known of Bob for 2-3 years now and he has always been a wacko, and is only someone of "import" because he somehow inherited the Tucson medical forum admin account....
I have MET a man that "said" his name was keith floyd at a Norml meeting here in Tucson......So something with that is def off.....

regardless, they are not the MMJ Vanguard we want ....OR need.
I don't know what the issues are in Tucson but I can say this is legit as far as what the outcome maybe for all those whom care to grow legally under the AMMA!

As of now... This is the only hope!

I wish folks would put away their pride and help fight this issue! Come on meow.
I don't know what the issues are in Tucson but I can say this is legit as far as what the outcome maybe for all those whom care to grow legally under the AMMA!

As of now... This is the only hope!

I wish folks would put away their pride and help fight this issue! Come on meow.

I agree. Look past the people and their past, or at least keep it to yourself and realize that this movement will not work without the support of Arizona citizens banding together for the common cause. How is airing out someone's dirty laundry in any way beneficial to you as an individual, diminishing the 25 mile rule, or the legalization movement as a whole? If anything all you are doing is giving the cannabis prohibition groups ammo to use against cannabis users and patients. They don't distinguish one pot user from another, they take the worst information they can find and lump us all together with the same label.
. They don't distinguish one pot user from another, they take the worst information they can find and lump us all together with the same label.

Which is why we should be selective about WHO be all, as a collective group of Arizonans, get behind and show support for. This is not that group. IMO
Hÿdra;9271033 said:
Which is why we should be selective about WHO be all, as a collective group of Arizonans, get behind and show support for. This is not that group. IMO

I am not supporting anyone as a person, I am supporting the banishment of the 25 mile rule since it is unconstitutional according to our Arizona constitution. If nobody else has progressed as far with a complaint as they have, as quickly as they have, then they obviously aren't too bad at what they are doing.

I don't know about you, but I am not looking forward to having to go through dispensaries which carry medication that appears to be greenhouse grown by amateurs, at best.

Again, I hope everyone can find it in themselves to look at the issue at hand, not the people behind it. That is potential outcome of bettering our MMJ program as a whole state is where the focus and support should be.