Azamax soil drench


New Member
Hows it going everyone. Wanted some opinions on what to do and i know alot of yall are knowledgable!

I am running super soil and have had some fungus gnats since it was cooking in trash cans. I used roots organics and judging by what people say it probably came with it. I used a few soil drenches with azamax when soil was cooking in cans and maybe twice at random times in the actual plants pots during veg. I figured i had taken care of them so i didnt go get a new bottle of azamax. Wrong move.

I have two plants yellowing up and not growing well if at all. I had just watered and was trying to figure out whats wrong. To my surprise i found my soil crawling with larvae! All but two seem unbothered but pretty much all the soil has some larvae. Not many adults flying around the room. Those have always been the easy part.

So my question is: my plants have plenty of water, probably wont need any for 2-3 more days. But i would like to get this azamax drench in while these larvae are still young.

Should i over water and get the azamax in asap? Or wait it out as wet soil is another negative? Possibly just drench the two hurt looking plants since they probably need it?

I used a good layer of DE for a day and ground up mosquito dunks and mixed it in to top layer of soil. Just wanted to get some opinions on the drench before i do it. Trying to take these fuckers out!

Thanks in advance for any help!


Active Member
I would say let the dunks and DE do their job, no need to over do it with azamax for now. See what happens. Trying to many things at one time can cause more issues. Take it a step at a time.


Well-Known Member
I use gnatrol which is BT just like the dunks. It works, just takes a couple weeks for them to disappear. Adults will die off naturally and the BT will zap the larva. Yellow sticky traps are effective, and cheap as well. I agree w/P-Dog, don't go dumping azamax on them, what you have done should work.

Stinky Buds

Well-Known Member
There are several varieties of BT used against various critters, but for fungus gnats you need BTI
(Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis).
This the active ingredient in gnatrol and mosquito dunks.

sativa indica pits

Active Member
u cook your soil in cans? Are you growing mushrooms or weed? lol thats a new one, never cooked my soil for a cannabis grow, only for mycelium..