Azamax Vs Neem Oil; drench application

Both contain Azadirachtin. Why not use the product that's a fraction of the price? I have used Azamax with great success, but would love to find a cheaper drench formula when the parasites come around. Any input?

The Growery

Active Member
i spray my plants every 4 days with neem oil/protekt (dyna gro) and have never had pest problems. excellent preventative measure. put up a hot shots pest strip and boom, no pests.
Right on. I definitely do the same in misting my plants down. In the event of getting root aphids, impervious to neem spray, have you heard of anyone substituting a dilute neem solution for Azamax (an azadirachtin based product)? It's a bummer dropping twenty dollars on a 3-4oz bottle of azamax :/....

The Growery

Active Member
I looked up azamax, that stuff is expensive! A little research seems to suggest that azamax is not effective on all types of root aphids...