[B] My little friends are looking a little yellow..[/B]


My buddies clones are looking a little yellow, Im thinking nitrogen deficiency, but its not to yellow. Maybe its just a warning sign from them? The leafs are dying on the low ones, but they are clones and he didnt trim the lower leafs off. His water reservoir kind smell like ass too :!: Said the reservoir has only been full for a business week. Has a 1" by 12" rock stone. photo.PNGphoto-5.jpg


Active Member
Looks like you ph is fluctating too much. Change resivore water add nutes and buffer to 5.8-6.0. Make sure your ppm's are at 400-500. All in all you ph is off. It needs to be between 5.5-6.5 al all times.


How often do we change the resivore water and by buffer what do you mean? You said it needs to 5.8 -6.0 then 5.5-5.6? Lost a bit.. :wall:


Active Member
How often do we change the resivore water and by buffer what do you mean? You said it needs to 5.8 -6.0 then 5.5-5.6? Lost a bit.. :wall:
I change my resivores every week on the spot, over time the nutrients bind together and the plant cannot absorb them. Buffering PH means adjusting acidicy of the water. For young plants, the ph needs to be between 5.8 and 6.0. As they get older they can tolerate a range of 5.5 to 6.5.

Most tap water has a ph of 7.0 to 7.2 (Neutral)
If you water is too acidic (5.4 or lower) it will break apart the nutrient molecules into unusable forms.
If the waters ph is to high (6.5+) it will bind together nutrient molecules into unusable forms.
When the ph is at 5.5 to 6.5 nutrient molecules are suspended in the water without breaking apart or binding together and are either soaked up by the plant or slowly over a couple of day then binded together.