Babies dying :( Can you help?

Hello. This is my first time ever experimenting with growing, I found some bag seeds and figured if I could get them going maybe I'd invest in some high quality seeds. I germinated two, one had a pretty long root coming out by the time I planted it, and the other was just beginning to split the seed shell.

I planted each one in a Jiffy Pot with Miracle Grow Organic Choice potting soil, no other nutrients or anything.

The one that had the long root got really tall and fell over by the 2nd or third day, but the other one was looking pretty good and I felt good about it. This is probably the 5th day it's been in soil.

As I've read online, I've generally been waiting until the top inch or so of soil has been totally dry before adding water. When I water, I put the pot under the tap with water coming out as slowly as possible. I rotate the pot under the tap until the water starts to pool on top of the soil just barely, then I remove and let it drain, then repeat this once. When I've been watering, it has not been completely soaking the peat pot, although there have been wet spots here and there. Online I read that you should water every 2-3 days, so even though I'm mostly relying on my own observation, I tend to err on the side of not giving it water, because I've read that the most common problem is overwatering.

Not wanting to invest in expensive lights and electric bills, I am relying on the fact that I can keep my plant in direct natural sunlight from about 8 am until 7 pm, and after that I stick the pot about an inch under a 23 watt CFL in my closet, with foil-covered reflectors around it. To compensate for the fact that I can only get it around 11 hours of sunlight, I leave the CFL on all night, so there is no time when the plant is in complete darkness.

My seedling was going strong this morning, as you can see in this picture:

The soil seemed pretty dry last night, but I had given it some water that morning so I figured I shouldn't add more. I gave it a little this morning though, since the soil was dry an inch under, as best as I could tell. However, after a few hours of sunlight, the next time I checked, the poor thing had fallen over under its own weight and its new leaves were slightly curled. I buried it with a little more soil to get it to stand up straight. Everything on the internet had convinced me that my problem would be overwatering, but after thinking about how the soil had felt dry, I decided to give it a thorough watering, enough to dampen the whole peat pot, and put it out in the sun for the ~4 of daylight it had left. The sun has just set and it's in my closet under the CFL. I think it looks a tiny bit better (hard to say, especially with wishful thinking factored in) but still quite bad. Here are some pics:

The reason I added more water this afternoon is that in my previous waterings, the whole peat pot wasn't getting wet, so I convinced myself that it needed more because I was watering often enough, but not giving it enough water each time. And when I read that you should water every two or three days, it occurred to me that those articles may have been talking about when they're in larger pots that don't dry out as fast as a little jiffy pot.

If it somehow bounces back, i will know that i was under-watering before, but if it dies then I won't know how to do it better next time. So I was wondering if you guys could tell at all from the picture and the info in this post if my problem is over-watering, under-watering, or even something else entirely. I was also wondering what the chances were of my plant making it through this episode and bouncing back, particularly as the pot is still damp and there will be no sunlight until 8 am tomorrow.

I would really appreciate any help from more experienced growers, and thank you for reading that giant wall of text.

One more thing: I'm unhappy with how this went in the Jiffy Pot, so the next time I get some bagseeds, would it hurt to just plant the seed directly in a large pot after germination, so that I can water every 2-3 days and not worry so much about it drying out or over-correcting and adding too much water?


Well-Known Member
Wait until all the soil dried before re-watering. Don't add straight tap water, let it sit for 24 hours or so, and make sure the ph is right.


Well-Known Member
Exactly. I use a trash can, 45gal. all black, I fill it with tap & let it sit for 3 days before I use. I then take out water in 5gal buckets to make my solution as needed, then i ph.
Wait until all the soil dried before re-watering. Don't add straight tap water, let it sit for 24 hours or so, and make sure the ph is right.
Thanks for replying! So does chlorine or something else in the water account for the damage as seen in the second and third picture?

I know there's a lot of things about the way I'm growing that could be better, especially in terms of lighting and soil. I'm trying to keep everything as cheap as possible for now. Are ph testing and letting the water stand considered essential for growing a plant that will live through the first few weeks?

My impression, which seems to have been mistaken, is that a lot of the things I read online about growing were for people who wanted to end up with a professional-grade product, and that if I was growing as just an experiment, I could sort of grow it more like a normal houseplant.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
A lot of the bigger growers use just straight tap water right out of the hose for thier gardens. I find it really weird how that little bit of Chlorine that is added kills MJ plants. While house around the world use straight tap water to feed all kinds of plants. I for one usually try to allow my water to sit for 12-24 hours. But about 20% of the time I just fill up the bucket, mix the nuts, PH and feed. And my plants are very healthy.
Also, if that little bit of chlorine is so bad, then why do so many people add it to thei0r rez's to get a handle on algae? That one always cracks me up. One person in on thread will say,, If you do not let your tap water sit for 24 hours it will kill your plants. Then in another threa the same person will be talking about adding 20 times the chlorine to fight off algae. To each his own though.
Yeah, I know municipal tap water isn't best practice, but I'm surprised to hear that it's impossible for my plants to make it past the first week if they're watered from the tap.


Get some distilled water, mist the plants often...plants that small will not get all the mosture they need just from roots. Additionally, pick up a tri meter, will do soil PH and moisture level, along with temperature. They're pretty inexpensive, can get on EBay for like $14 i think. For soil you want the PH to be 6.2 to 6.8. Regular potting soil will usually be too alkeline. So adjust PH, mist often (not in direct light though) and use the moisture meter to be sure your watering level. Hope that helps :)


Active Member
Wait until all the soil dried before re-watering. Don't add straight tap water, let it sit for 24 hours or so, and make sure the ph is right.
actually the whole "wait 24 hours to use tap water" is a myth.the soluble chlorine that would hurt the plant dissapates in minutes.the residual chlorine thats left is actually beneficial to the plant.mary jane needs chlorine to live so I water my plants directly with it and have yet to have stress or damage issues.but definetly need to ph your water if not using a nute with a buffer.
Cool, would ph account for the sort of troubles I had? Because I really thought it just had to do with the frequency or amount of watering. It is actually possibly looking a little better already so I think the water may have helped.


Well-Known Member
Get some distilled water, mist the plants often...plants that small will not get all the mosture they need just from roots. Additionally, pick up a tri meter, will do soil PH and moisture level, along with temperature. They're pretty inexpensive, can get on EBay for like $14 i think. For soil you want the PH to be 6.2 to 6.8. Regular potting soil will usually be too alkeline. So adjust PH, mist often (not in direct light though) and use the moisture meter to be sure your watering level. Hope that helps :)
If you use distilled water, you should get some Cal-Mag as well, since it doesn't include it like tap water.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Buy better soil next time. That crap looks like Bark you cover a flower garden with. Investing in a good soil will go a long way towards getting a good harvest.


Active Member
Cool, would ph account for the sort of troubles I had? Because I really thought it just had to do with the frequency or amount of watering. It is actually possibly looking a little better already so I think the water may have helped.
ph is a HUGE factor in growing bud.get a digital tester their only 10 buks on ebay(their not the best but they work) or a pool test kit.and keep a slightly acidic ph 6.5-6.7 is ideal.watering is a factor also but usually its overwatering so you done good to not over do it.lift the pot is the easiest way to tell if their heavy then their fine when they get light they need water.your plant looks fine the second one looks kind of like lettuce lol but it should be fine.JUST DONT ADD FERTILIZER YET.cant stress this enuff or you will be back in a week saying the tips are yellow and dying because their burnt.they wont need nutes for 2-3 weeks they have what they need in the soil already.
maybe its the soil thats killing her, what type of soil is that
This is Miracle Grow Organic Choice. I asked the "resident garden expert" at the hardware store if it would be good for tomato seedlings, he kind of hesitated but said it should be alright. I believe it's .10:.05:.05 according to the package.

johnman2880 said:
ph is a HUGE factor in growing bud.get a digital tester their only 10 buks on ebay(their not the best but they work) or a pool test kit.and keep a slightly acidic ph 6.5-6.7 is ideal.watering is a factor also but usually its overwatering so you done good to not over do it.lift the pot is the easiest way to tell if their heavy then their fine when they get light they need water.your plant looks fine the second one looks kind of like lettuce lol but it should be fine.JUST DONT ADD FERTILIZER YET.cant stress this enuff or you will be back in a week saying the tips are yellow and dying because their burnt.they wont need nutes for 2-3 weeks they have what they need in the soil already.
Well those pics are actually "before" and "after" for the same plant, that's why I'm pretty worried at this point, the leaves shriveled a bit and are still pointing straight up. Yeah next time I try this I will think about investing in a ph meter.


Well-Known Member
i got worried about one of mine just nurture her and buy a h metre ebay 99p mate for a digital one 8.19 dlivery like but a tenner is well worth getting it rite pal im new and trust listen to the advice these cats are giving u cheap is good to a point but being new dont try to be TOO cheep buiy the minimum essentials ph meter is a must my taop water runs at 7.6 way to hi so dude get one!

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Google Sper Scientific. They have a very nice and quality PH pen that is water proof and even has temp for just $35 USD. I think this one is better then most of the $80 PH pens.


Well-Known Member
Chlorine is only a prob for organic growing since it kills the microbeaties in the soil that feed the plant. It could be ph since u mentioned tap water but it can also be overwatering. I stik my finger in the holes at the bottom of pots to see if they need water. Roots grow as a result of soil drying up in an attempt to look for more water so don't let get completely dry but when u lift the pot it should feel way lighter than it is when its jus watered. And unless the seeds r feminized I would not plant them in a big pot because u may come out with a big GUY.(waste of soil) hope something helped


Well-Known Member
ddigi ph meter is like 10 on ebay free shippin. Got mine from china as well as a tds for 20 and they've been working for 2 yrs