Back at it after 15 years


I started a grow this year using 2 bubblisious and 1 dutch clone. All planted out side and one is planted in a 3.5 gal. bucket. The one in the bucket went to 12/12 July 19 and is now budding. I move the plant in at 7:00 in the evening and back out at 7:00 in the morning. Today I over slep 15 minutes and was wondering if that might effect the plant at all. Never tryed budding early nor have I used clones. I also have starts going and will share pics along the way.


Here is a picture of her on day 4 I will send others later on. I have 2 other ladys growing outside full time and one is Dutch. Clones apear to grom much differient fom seed plaants I grew many years back.



This was just taken today and it has been on 12/12 for 11 days now and the images show she is in flower. The other images are of clones i just rootrd and transplanted today as well. Should I keep a humidity dome over them as in the pics or should I remove it and also how far from the tubes. I have 4 48" t8 6500 k Any info is worth knowing so let me know what ya can.

