back from vacation, plants look terrible what to do?


Active Member
2x 5 gallon buckets w/ 2 airstones each in them

roommate filled the buckets and added advanced part a and b nutrients (2 caps of each per bucket) then he ph'd the water to 6.

The buckets were filled to the bottom of the net pots, the water only lowered about 3 inches on the front plant over about 4 days. The back plant used about a foot of water from the bucket.

the first picture is the front plant and the last one is the back. I am not sure what the plant problem is based on the information in the FAQ here. PLEASE HELP!!!!



Well-Known Member
hate to say it but you chose a bad time to go on vacation. I do understand that sometimes these things can't be helped. how long were you gone? were the plants uncared for the whole time? Did they run out of water? If they ran out of water, then they are just dehydrated and a new nute bath should help... I'd say just try to get back to doing what you were before you left. marijuana is a VERY resilient plant. It will come back for you. Might be a little stunted at the moment or even shocked, but they'll come back with a little time, love, and care.. Good luck and I hope all works out for ya!!


basically I am agreeing with what buddreams said to do... :)


Active Member
I found that one of my exhaust fans stopped working. filled the buckets half full of ph'd 6.0 water and rinsed the roots. Going to wait a few days hopefully they perk up.


My plants did that aswell, just use water, and after like 2 weeks or so they will end up looking the same as they did before you went on vacation.


Active Member
My buddies plants did the same thing. He flushed them with ph'd water then added a fresh batch to the res. Within a week they were looking a hell of a lot better.


Well-Known Member
should I give it a few days in just water or should I add nutes?
I would go with just phed water for a few days till they perk back up. 5 drops of Superthrive per gal would be a good thing to give them the next few days. Homedepot carries it in little bottles for like 6 bucks. Actually any B-1 would be helpful. Even a bit of Liquid Karma. Any of these would help her in stress relief. Then when you start back in with the nutes, ease her back into them. Take a week or two to get back too normal strenght.:bigjoint:


Active Member
I can't see any change in the positive direction, things seem to be getting worse. One plant actually looking like its about dead. The stalk has fallen to the side and the leaves are starting to dry. Any other ideas?


Well-Known Member
I hope that you got nutes to the ones that were still living right away. I'm sorry that I didn't check this thread earlier. Water only was bad advice. You most definitely should have given them nutes. They were stressed hard, and dying. Water alone was not going to give them what they needed to live... I would have recommended at least a half strength nute bath.... I hope you were able to salvage some of your plants. It appears in the pics you posted that at least one of them is dead... That sucks bro... :-(


Well-Known Member
I hope that you got nutes to the ones that were still living right away. I'm sorry that I didn't check this thread earlier. Water only was bad advice. You most definitely should have given them nutes. They were stressed hard, and dying. Water alone was not going to give them what they needed to live... I would have recommended at least a half strength nute bath.... I hope you were able to salvage some of your plants. It appears in the pics you posted that at least one of them is dead... That sucks bro... :-(
Feeding a mega stressed plant. Now thats sound advice<rolling my eyes.........