Back in Business - New White Widow started on July 9th - flipped her last night


Hey Everyone, Started a new journal for the new girl. She's a little over 4 weeks and we just flipped her yesterday and gave her 5 ml of the general hydroponics florabloom. Her PPM is 142 and she is looking great. Hit me up when you get a chance.



I really want to get additional lighting ....does anyone know of a good place to get some cheap lights that will help fill in the shadows?


Active Member
If you want CFL's for spot lighting shadows out, then just go to lowes and get the light sockets that plug straight into an outlet for about $4-5...should work great!


Hey PeaceFarmer!!! Nice to see you back!!! Thanks for the help man, started her on 5ml last week when we flipped her. I know you said the schedule is 5 10 15 , does that mean 5 the first week 10 the second and 15 the third..rinse and repeat ?


Oh I realized we had her on the wrong nutes for a few days but we got her the right ones now. We were so stupid. We thougth it was just the bloom nutrient at 5ml the first meek 10ml the second and 15th third but now we see it's all 3 nutrients , 5ml of one, 10 of the second, and 15 of the third. So she's on the right track again. Few questions:

I've been doing LST for awhile now , do you guys think that I should trim any of bottom leaves that are starting to get brittle and curl a little?

Does the lighting and reflecting look good for the stage that we are in?

And last but not least , how long being in the 2nd week of flowering before she's ready to harvest?

Again, I want to thank ya'll for sharing your experience....Have a great weekend!


Hey guys,

Sorry it's been so long...Here are pics from this morning. She's getting big ...This is the farthest we've ever gotten and any help would be awesome!!! I had to remove the top of the aerogarden because she was getting too tall so I bought a bunch of 100w cfls...Let me know what you guys think and please offer any advice that could help us get her to be budalicous when she's peaked :)


Phillip J Fry

Active Member
've been doing LST for awhile now , do you guys think that I should trim any of bottom leaves that are starting to get brittle and curl a little? I like leave all the fan leaves in place to die off naturally. Cutting some lower bud sites off might improve yield

Does the lighting and reflecting look good for the stage that we are in? I use HPS to flower and have panda poly on every wall/ceiling surface in the room

And last but not least , how long being in the 2nd week of flowering before she's ready to harvest? at least 65 days of 12/12 is needed normally if not longer.

your welcome....Have a great weekend!


Hey guys and gals,

Here's the most recent pics from this morning. We flushed her on Friday, got her a few new lights and she's really thriving. Her air rock was also broken so we got her a new one of those too.

We are going to give her the last set of nutes probably today or tomorrow. Her PH and PPMs are both in good range. We have been using GH Nutes...What do you think the best amount would be. Should we give one last 0-10-20?



She's getting close...We ended up having to cut ALOT of her fan leaves but I think she's still going to have a good yield. Let me know what you guys think...brb


Hey guys!!! What do you think? How much longer before she's ready?



Her bud areas are about 60 percent amber. Her top cola is further along than the rest of the plant although not by much. I'll get some more pics up but please let me know what I could do to tell when she's ready to harvest...Anyone out there???


60% amber trichs? That's some serious couchlock :) Normally you can harvest any time after they turn cloudy - most people wait for anywhere between 10 and 50% trichs before they harvest. The longer you wait the higher the CBD content = more body high and more couchlock. So, if I read you right, I would harvest those top colas and whatever else is ready, and let the light penetrate deeper to the rest of the buds. Then you can harvest those as they become ready. If some aren't as far along in their amber color, you can harvest those to see what less amber does for you as well. Next time, consider harvesting at various points to sample the effect.


Thanks man !!! I"m gonna post some more pics later or first thing in the show the amber trichs...any other advice and help would be totally awesome guys!!! Can't wait to smoke her and see how tastes :)