Back in the Closet... a 400 watt grow inside my closet, inside my DR60


Well-Known Member
Pic 1> All of the under I just cut off.

Next pics> group shot, g131,g132,g133,g144, another group shot.

I removed old amazing green tie down stuff.
I used some more amazing green tie down stuff to move some of the branches around....
I mak a little J and then put the bottom of the J around the stem and them crimp the other end on the side of the maxi pot; the maxi pots have a great lip for this. The open part of the is open enough to allow for thicker branch development. The amazing green tie down stuff has a wire running through it just strong enough to hold the plants back but gives a little so they do not cut into the stems.



Well-Known Member
Day 3 >


I spray the plants once, twice, sometimes 3 times a day with tap water.
Today one actually said thank you......

I have been giving straight water to the plants with 2.5ml of bioweed per gallon every other water.
I keep the sprayer handy and whenever i look at them i give them a little splash.
I have the rachet hangers so just clickclickclickclick and then, sppsssssshhhhhht (spray sound), lower light back down and done.


Well-Known Member
Day 6> oYea

Can yusay Canopy, cana cano canu canopii.....

Still no nutrients...... Just water.

Notes: Plants are drinking different amounts of water.... I check the amount of water by slightly lifting the pots to check the weight. If if hurts an ab(they are at a weird angle) than they are full. if they lift right up, then they need h20

>How I keep my 400 cool in the dr60
> 6 branches

i meditate by my plants every morning.



Well-Known Member
Day>7 Ok....Plants look great. Straight water today on 3. Yesterday I gave the shortest, also the only one that has 4 branches instead of six, water yesterday; I was shaky on the FIM and cut a slice into the side of one of the branches that would have been either the 5th or 6th branch, so I just removed the top entirely.

> In one of the pics, you can see that this time I gave the pots enough water to let some accumulate around the bottom. I have 10"plastic saucers under the MAXi-PoTS. ]

I cut more leaves out today. I really got in there, except on the the back right plant which is the one with only 4 branches.

> pics of how much was cut and

>pics of Canopy and under, but the HPS really fucks with my camera.

Notes and Quotes_ "I will be rather angry if I have to cut any more for a while."

send my plants good energy, and me too if theres any extra

live, love, listen, eat, smoke, read, exercise and tell people anything good you find out.

General Organics coming soon



Active Member
Beautiful plants johny! The canopy was made by the hand of experience, I hope it does good things for you throughout flowering.


Active Member
Wow you cut off a lot! Is that gonna hinder them at all?
Dont be para - I'm sure you've done the right thing as I'm only on my 2nd grow & trimming off the lower branches is something I struggle with.
Seeing how much you've taken off there has actually helped me, and great to see such a sweet dr60 grow!


Well-Known Member
Ok, I took some pics but I don't know how if you can see what I'm talking about.

> There seem to be small, what will be bananas one day, on my plants. However, there are also confirmed female parts (Hairs). WTF?

This is only on one plant.

2.5ml> bio weed, calmag, biothrive bloom and bud boost, bio root. per gal... only water one plant the other 3 were still heavy...



Well-Known Member
in pic 7 u can see the what looks like a male part and the female part. these are all pics of the same plant......


Well-Known Member
Ok so I am chalking this one up as a FAIL..... but I am gonna let them go anyway because I haven't ordered my new stuff yet or decided what strain I am going to grow next.

here is some pics of whats going on...

I supercropped the back right one. better to do it now than later. some phenos stretch

i chopped the one i was going to let go into nothing... it was the one that had suspected bananas on it.... i started to pull them off with tweezers but then notice most of the bottom was covered so i just cut it all off. I dared it to survive. also i go into the others and pulled the other bananas that I found..

The only reason I am going to continue with this grow is because I need weed, I really really do.

and reason Number 2, there is wonderful flower development already on some of the branches... all plants have hairs....with some attention and some love i can still harvest some super nugs.... plus i wanna see how much light the buds get when they develop... and like i said new stuff is about to get ordered and i am gonna step my grow game up from dr60 grower to dr60 mad grower.

"you can't win them all, but you can still try to steal a few bases for the stats"



Active Member
Hey man, keep up the awesome job your doing here! to reply to your older post about topping or trimming to keep those 6 main cola's I would def stick to trainning now and and until week 2 of flower to keep the tops level. In my current grow I have 2 sativa dom hybrid's in the back left corner and I fimmed both prior to flower, because I know they will stetch like crazy, I notice this has helped to control them,

I did a couple sativa dominant strains and what I did was bend the whole top foot of the plant over so the stem was crushed slightly the buds just kept growing horizontally and were very fat.

Also, just completely remove any of the lower growth sites on the stem so the plant can focus it's energy on the tops! like clear the whole 1/3 bottom of the plant of all growth and leaves.



Active Member
Ok so I am chalking this one up as a FAIL..... but I am gonna let them go anyway because I haven't ordered my new stuff yet or decided what strain I am going to grow next.

here is some pics of whats going on...

I supercropped the back right one. better to do it now than later. some phenos stretch

i chopped the one i was going to let go into nothing... it was the one that had suspected bananas on it.... i started to pull them off with tweezers but then notice most of the bottom was covered so i just cut it all off. I dared it to survive. also i go into the others and pulled the other bananas that I found..

The only reason I am going to continue with this grow is because I need weed, I really really do.

and reason Number 2, there is wonderful flower development already on some of the branches... all plants have hairs....with some attention and some love i can still harvest some super nugs.... plus i wanna see how much light the buds get when they develop... and like i said new stuff is about to get ordered and i am gonna step my grow game up from dr60 grower to dr60 mad grower.

"you can't win them all, but you can still try to steal a few bases for the stats"
these stems are like works of art!