wow - and i wonder why i don't watch tv at night anymore... ive been admiring those pics for the last hour! and im baked on some nice purple pineberry, good times![]()
Hahaha! It's GreenTV!
wow - and i wonder why i don't watch tv at night anymore... ive been admiring those pics for the last hour! and im baked on some nice purple pineberry, good times![]()
More please Roor
LR, just catching up from thanksgiving, wow everything looks great!!! the new opp is shaping up very nice despite the restrictions your working with. the girls...whats there to say other than great!!!
now thats a nifty controller, very small n compact. sounds like its the cats meow. is that one for you or the new room? had couple other things i wanted to ask/say but will have to go back, look n re read a few pages before it comes to me. oh well great to see the updates n btw thanks for the kind words, much appreciated...
edit: ok so now that i went back it jogged my brain cell, thats right the one i have left lol. wanted to say how cool the light tunell was looking down it, also ask why you didnt mount the fans in the bath rather than the grow room? know theres a reason, curious brain cell wants to know. LR hope you had a great thanksgiving man, later...
no argument there for sure, ive watched test using clear ducting and smoke infusion using 2 diferent colors of smoke so you can actually see the way it moves and where it mixes due to terbulance, n talked to designers re: fans and air movement from a push or pull perspective. the pull will def provide more air movement as long as the discharge area is not very far away and not too many degrees of turn in duct before reaching exaust point. it seems air acts just like water in movement. in the duct on the negative side it creates a vortex on its way to source of -pressure, on the +side it has turbulance at a shorter distance that restricts out flow. it will eventually return to a vortex if given enough distance without turns but will be a weaker movement by far than the -side therefore resulting in compromizing the fans ability to pull. another thing is on both + and - sides when air direction is changed it too creates friction/turbulance slowing flow, thats why geting the straitest run possable is so important. if change of direction is needed a design like 2- 45*angles is much better than a 90* turn.the 45* turn will deflect the flow without compromizing the vortex rather than like a 90* that causes so much friction/turbulance the flow piles up and actually has to change direction and start all over again. that and sizing your fans properly to accomidate for friction loss and volume needed is critical in fan choice. so your not tripping by far lol, sorry to be so long winded![]()
wished i did have a link as it would really take the understanding of air movement for many to a new understanding. my experience was a real time test i was involved in at the NASA test center in mountain view ca years ago. the whole facility was dedicated to the study of air movement and its affect on shapes. they studied/tested the aerodinamics of cars, airplane fusalages, lift on wing design, anything that wind friction or lift had a role in. i was there to study the friction in ductwork in turbon exaust in boilers used to produce electricity. very interesting and these many years later its still like i can close my eyes and see it like real time. one of those AH HA!! moments in life we get so few of lol. it also helped that the eng. conducting the classes was very aware that he wasnt dealing with like minded people and explained things that laymen fully understood. hats off to great teachers who want others to learn instead of try n impress them...Nice explanation Fort! U da man. Do you have a link to those clear duct smoke tests? I'd love to see that!
Yeah, I did my best to keep duct turns and runs at a minimum, but I did have to restrict flow a little here and there to make things fit. I don't like having to share the single 8" intake for the 2 light exhaust lanes, but there was not enough room for two intakes where that bathroom window comes in. The longer curve, turn, and duct run required for that lane may end up being an issue. I may need to boost that side a bit, or put a speed control on the other lane to balance the pull of fresh air through the lights.
Environmental testing will be coming up shortly! I have been tending a new round of veg plants for this new room. The first round of intended material got too big and had to be planted in another zone! haha I had to get another batch going to allow for my lagging time table! This zone has been some work, lots of little hurdles along the way. I'm excited to get it operational.
Got a glimmer of signal
Looking great man !
LR THOSE LOOK AWSOME!!! the 3rd pick down on the og looks like palm trees in background lol maby im way stoned but its what i saw. nice size on everything thers, and great bud to leaf ratio. those will be a sench to trim up.those madis look as good as a milf all decked out with that (i know what i want) look on her face. real sexy...
how tall are the bamboo stakes on the madi, trying to see how tall they are finished. also wanted to ask what medium your using.
my next run will be a soil grow, i picked up some plants already started in soil so i thought since my headband cuts in the hydro arent ready for a bit id try my hand in soil. im using the roots 707 mix also in a camo bag. its the same i used on the outside monster cropped girls in the fall. that was a bust as they got super infested with bugs and worms and i trashed them before everything got infested. i hated to but it is what it is. anyway im going to try it indoors where i have controll of things. im trimming on this run and it looks to be a nice pull, will let you know when its done. thanks for the info. couple more things, how often do you have to water? im using the same size pots as you have and i know its dependent on environmental factors but a general idea would help. also do you have an amount you give each plant or do you just theroughly wet them? ok i think im through with the 90 questions for now lol
Hey LR did you get an electrician for your set up, or is that electrical setup something pretty simple to put together? Sweet set up bro you about to take off now now looking back, very inspierd and excited for you. Good luck.