Backwards Hermie...Male to Female


Hi all, I have gotten a backwards hermie I beleive, male that went to female. I think this may be a good thing as I have read some stuff from DJ Short saying backwards hermies could actually be "jewels" in that they can produce some pretty potent females???? Any truth to this? At any rate Im harvesting pollen form this plant right now and may just goahead and breed/produce seed from it.
I never thought of that route, yes if pollen is viable it should self pollinate. Was thinking more about using the backwards hermie to pollinate some existing females.
Was going to destroy it after pollinating but may just let it run its course and try to get some of those self pollinated seeds as well, if there are any.
Would be interesting to grow them out and see what you get.
Yeah so it depends on what your goal is. If your trying to breed in that trait, then use the pollen to hit your females. If you just want feminized seed, then let it hit itself, although considering it's already a "mutant" you may just get more mutants, but if in fact these backwards hermies are your goal, then you should be good.

I'd do it just to see what happens.
i've had the same deal, a male plant starting throwing out pistils after some stress
so i did some reading and DJ's comments on this
a male hermie is supposedly not that unusual, what is unusual is a hermie male that actually sets some seeds, i.e. pistils are fertile and viable
that is supposed to be very rare, but that is the magic pollen
makes crosses that have a higher percentage of females, and are less hermie prone
Yeah, this male threw some pistols on me, what the fudge do I do with him/her?

one use i have read about is to smoke those pistils as a gauge of the male's genetics
made sense, and that is what i did with my hermie male(jock horror)
i was pleasantly surprised with what i got, wasn't a lot, but it was a very nice feeling
unfortunately, the male flowers gave no pollen, not sure if that was from clipping them and putting in a isolation chamber to ripen, or just how that male was
Yeah, this male threw some pistols on me, what the fudge do I do with him/her?

and this looks like a female hermie, strong male traits though
the male hermie i had was all male flowers at the top, then i snipped off some to get some pollen in an isolation chamber
i kept the main plant going just in case i didn't get pollen from those cuttings
the female pistils bloomed out down low, well after the male flowers had appeared
It's definitely a male plant that threw pistols. If I took a picture of the nodes below, you wouldn't be able to see any pistols. They're only coming out on the top there.
thing with cannabis, it can be so mixed up you can get plants that are hard to tell what they are
my MJ genetics knowledge is limited, but i've seen it's sexing is closer to xxyy than the classic xy
Mine is similar to the one in the pic, no female at the bottom, all male, in fact mostly male but towards/on top growing an unusual looking male/female bud. Ive not really stressed it to get this result.
Mine definitely produces pollen. I will pollinate a bit with it, if pollen is viable, grow the seeds out and and see what we come up with! Thanks for responses. When veging I actually thought it would be a female the way it was growing. Short, super dense, close nodes, no stretching/etc, I was surprised when it showed male.
Mine is similar to the one in the pic, no female at the bottom, all male, in fact mostly male but towards/on top growing an unusual looking male/female bud. Ive not really stressed it to get this result.
Mine definitely produces pollen. I will pollinate a bit with it, if pollen is viable, grow the seeds out and and see what we come up with! Thanks for responses. When veging I actually thought it would be a female the way it was growing. Short, super dense, close nodes, no stretching/etc, I was surprised when it showed male.

I'd really like to know how those seeds turn out to be. I hope you post the results :)
Care to elaborate?

just that there are hermies which show both strong male/female traits, see pics from time to time which would be a tough call to say whether it's a female showing male traits or a male showing female traits
one extreme example is the 'true hermie', this is where every female pistil has a male flower, it's really wild
saw a pic of that on another site, i don't think you can call that a female plant or a male plant
^^^ i'd call that mostly male, interesting plant, looks more and more male the farther you do down the plant
but since i don't know how the inter-sex genetics works, that's just my opinion
just that there are hermies which show both strong male/female traits, see pics from time to time which would be a tough call to say whether it's a female showing male traits or a male showing female traits
one extreme example is the 'true hermie', this is where every female pistil has a male flower, it's really wild
saw a pic of that on another site, i don't think you can call that a female plant or a male plant

OIC. Interesting thought. If you think about breeding, you are supposed to look for males that look like females. But they are definitely males, no pistils. Then there are some males that are strong, fast alpha male plants. Maybe there are several levels...