Backyard Grow - Coletrain, sharksbreath, hollands hope


Active Member
Hi started these in may, but had to move them out of the ground twice when they were younger.

Because its a discrete grow, they have had limited amounts of sun. But hey its my first time. Just recently came back from vacation to find them just beginning to flower. Here are some pics:

Coletrain had the middle spot with the most sun because it was doing the best at the time when i had to move them. Left to right Hope, Cole, Shark, Hope.

I'll get better pictures as they start to flower, change color, etc.

follow up with some review of the harvest, cure, sample, etc.



Well-Known Member
They look healthy..might should of put them in pots so you could move rep for good grow


Active Member
Thanks guys!

yeah i thought i would be able to keep them where they were then several things happened that forced me to trans twice.

I was thinking about creating clones, mostly for experience, but also for the possibility of getting more. I am going to make a rooting hormone from willow tree branches in my backyard. My plan is basically to use water bottles as individual domes and put it under a flur. I think i read that flurs are actually used by a lot of people for early stage development.

But because my cutling will be from a flowering plant the clone will be in flowering mode too right? So does that mean that flurs will actually be terrible for them?

Is there anyway that I could take clones from a flowering plant, put them outside, and actually see bud development before november?


Active Member
buds are looking much nicer now. Cole is showing some pink/magenta hairs inside the bud. Hollands hope is coming along really well now. sharksbreath is hanging in there, it just never got the sun it needed. I'm still really looking forward to it. Aside from size, it's looking healthy so at least i'll have some epic tasting bud no matter


Active Member

I am just waiting to get a hold of a good camera so i can update some macros of the bud


Active Member

Starting to see the beginning of the frost development. Despite coletrain being much more developed, sharksbreath is already beginning to pack on the frost. taken with my friends phone camera


Active Member
I'm using miracle grow super bloom here and there. They really seemed like they needed something and it was all i can afford. I think it is working well. Foliar feeding once a day with a low super bloom solution. watering 2-3 times a day, except last two days it's rained so I only watered it once.

Feel free to throw out your suggestions, I'm all ears.


Active Member
Yeah I have no money right now, but I'd like to set up a completely organic grow next opportunity.


Active Member
comin up soon: DNA sharksbreath (GWS pheno), Dutch Passion Hollands Hope (purple beauties), and RP Cole Train


Well-Known Member
very impressive for a first time grow on a budget!

i love the purple bud in pics 2, 3 and 4. very cool looking bud!


Active Member
Thanks! I wish I had my camera with the nice macro. The sharksbreath is so beautiful. It's so bomb, i wish i had more of it. it's like juicy skunk fruit---complex heady. Hollands hope is sick too.