Bacon Shortage

It's the doobage

I'm pretty sure that helps. I started taking RSO for an enlarged prostate just 4 months before my last MRI which was the 3rd in 3 years and it shrunk from 75cc to only 55 and my PSA dropped almost 2 full points much to the amazement of my urologist. He now says almost zero chance that I have cancer down there so will have a PSA test every 6 months and another MRI two years from now. Talk about a load off my mind. Got a buddy with stage 4 prostate cancer and just gave him 60cc of RSO to help him beat that. With the medications he's taking now there's no morning wood for him and he's dead tired all the time. He loves being high all the time so that side effect from the RSO is a big plus for him. :)

My wood. More in the garage though.


It would be a waste to use it to keep me from falling out of bed. The handcuff would do just fine for that.
So enough about this bacon shortage, as bad as that is :(. What about Turkey :o! I went to 3 grocery stores yesterday and finally found one and it was $30 for a 7.5lb bird :(. I had to buy two to feed the starving hordes that will be here ……. $60 fucking dollars. Sunny ways my ass!!!
^^^^^ oh and nice hair ginger, cream rinse no doubt lol.
and wake up to wood every morning
I alway's found a boner in the morning to be a pain in the ass.
I have to piss/poop 1st thing in the morning and I found it, my humongous, as hard as Titanium wanker, to be problematic
Impossible to piss unless you really lean over & it makes it difficult to wipe my ass trying to avoid it.
But alas (thankfully?) I don't have to worry about that anymore, unlike @OldMedUser, my dick died like years ago (Zoloft & Pristiq & being married to the same old overweight wife for 25 years will do that :) )
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"Fathers hide your daughters, Panama Red is back in town" (New Riders of the Purple Sage) 'Cause I got red hair. ;)

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You really are an Old Hippie fuck, aren't you?
I cut my Freak Flag off years ago, too much of a pain in the ass (too hot in the summer)
Oh, by the way, you really need some hair conditioner, you have split ends. (Pantene is very good)
Also, your getting a little gray it seems :(
Makes me think of this song :)

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okay this is serious now.

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I like bacon, but can live without it.
Beef, on the other hand is a different matter.
I love my Porterhouse steaks & went to my butcher yesterday & almost puked.
$21.99 a lb for a Porterhouse, $19.99 for a NY Strip, $ $19.99 for Boars Head Roast beef & $21.99 for Pastrami.
That's an increase of around $7.00 per pound in 2 weeks.
Fuck me, that REALLY sucks..
I guess it's London Broil & Baloney sandwiches for now. (fucking Biden/It's his fault, right?)
do you have your laptop with you? keep in touch.

No lappy. Can use the spare computer at my sisters but up at the cabin there's no power much less wifi but it's been 17 years since I went on my 50th b-day around Thanksgiving so who knows what's going on up there. It's not the wild place I knew as a youth. :( Still got trout tho and I'm taking grandpa's old fly rod to get me some. :)
