Bacon Shortage

I was at Fred Meyers grocery store today.

big ass pork shoulder roast 0.99/pound. Nothing unusual. Non-sale prices were seemed high but they always seem that way to me. No shortages, nothing outrageous.

Is there a shortage in pork I should know about?

I'm sill waiting for the Ooni pizza oven I ordered in May and I couldn't buy the automatic dishwasher I wanted because it wasn't immediatedly available but the Bosch I had installed is just fine.

I don't know where this shortage is coming from. Maybe it's caused by hoarders?
It's a labor thing. No one wants to work in a slaughter house. Or drive a school bus. Or be a server in a restaurant. Etc....
I've heard about that. I've seen none of it in my personal experience other than some home appliances being unavailable. But food? I buy frugally. Shop sales and such. So, I'm not seeing any increase in food cost, much less anything like a shortage. This thread seems a bit hysterical to me.

Maybe it's because we, my family, are back in lockdown mode. We aren't going out to eat. We did mid summer when it seemed like we could but not now. We are still in an epidemic economy. It seems to me that we have to get this epidemic behind us before the economy can expand normally. Expect to see plenty of shortages then. Right now, it sounds more like temporary and localized supply issues and not a shortage. People who are feeling it, please don't take my comment as pointed at you. I don't know where the stories about shortages or inflation are coming from. I'm not seeing any shortages or price increases if any.
Ted Turner said that in about 15 to 20 years from now there will be a food shortage and people will be resorting to cannibalism. The fittest will survive and will be eating other people. So if cops are bacon they will quite possibly be the first ones eaten.
In Australia we produce enough food to feed 75million people and our population is 25million. We be desperate to sell you guys some because the Chinese won't buy it off us anymore because we asked questions about the origins of covid.
We have shit loads of wine, seafood and wheat going for cheap!!
We have a “coin shortage here” but I suspect that’s because metal coins are the only money in the us with actual value if stuff does truly go south. But I mean considering Dr Fauci is the one who funded the research for the Wuhan lab and then lied about it multiple times, who do you trust for actual information. But I’ve been stocking up on fruit and vegetable seeds just in case. I could easily be a vegetarian if I had to be. The only meat I really enjoy anymore is fish and we have ponds and lakes all around me. Plus I already grow my own mushrooms so it’s not like my day to day will change much.
I don't know where this shortage is coming from. Maybe it's caused by hoarders?

A lot of stuff is still caught up in shipping backlogs due to Covid and even that blockage of the Suez canal months ago. Lack of computer chips is also causing backlogs in cars, appliances and other things that need them. Gonna be years of higher prices and shortages as long as Covid is messing things up. Our province is in medical emergency overload thanks to all the damn antivaxxers. Don't give a fuck about the society they live in so they should leave.

I've heard about that. I've seen none of it in my personal experience other than some home appliances being unavailable. But food? I buy frugally. Shop sales and such. So, I'm not seeing any increase in food cost, much less anything like a shortage. This thread seems a bit hysterical to me.

Maybe it's because we, my family, are back in lockdown mode. We aren't going out to eat. We did mid summer when it seemed like we could but not now. We are still in an epidemic economy. It seems to me that we have to get this epidemic behind us before the economy can expand normally. Expect to see plenty of shortages then. Right now, it sounds more like temporary and localized supply issues and not a shortage. People who are feeling it, please don't take my comment as pointed at you. I don't know where the stories about shortages or inflation are coming from. I'm not seeing any shortages or price increases if any.
I don’t see shortages at the market, just price increases with mostly beef but everything has gone up. Our supply chains are fucked for commodities like copper, plastic pipe, and equipment. Prices for everything has gone up 25% in the last year and half as well. I bought 3 strip loins for my kids birthday dinner and it was $55 :o!
I don’t see shortages at the market, just price increases with mostly beef but everything has gone up. Our supply chains are fucked for commodities like copper, plastic pipe, and equipment. Prices for everything has gone up 25% in the last year and half as well. I bought 3 strip loins for my kids birthday dinner and it was $55 :o!
Because of a shut down in production because of the pandemic that is not online fully yet, because of the pandemic.

Im dealing with it due to my boiler being old as shit and needing to get it replaced.

Hopefully this will wake manufacturers up and they start to bring production back home in a significant (and far smarter) way.

We have a “coin shortage here” but I suspect that’s because metal coins are the only money in the us with actual value if stuff does truly go south.
my guess is that is because of waiting tables not circulating the coins like back in the day more than anything about 'real value' unless that is some propaganda that are hitting people hoarding their coins because they got scared due to the spam.

But I mean considering Dr Fauci is the one who funded the research for the Wuhan lab and then lied about it multiple times, who do you trust for actual information.
You mean he wrote a personal check to pay for that lab? Because I call bullshit.

I trust the AP news. They are the most factual and non biased free source of actual information. I suggest that everyone double check what you think you know on their website

Are you an American, and if so are you ok with the fact that the Russian military has been attacking our citizens?

But I’ve been stocking up on fruit and vegetable seeds just in case. I could easily be a vegetarian if I had to be. The only meat I really enjoy anymore is fish and we have ponds and lakes all around me. Plus I already grow my own mushrooms so it’s not like my day to day will change much.
I agree it is very worthwhile to have the ability to grow most your own food. I am still building my perennial food selection myself. It is nice to have those options that you know will be sprouting as soon as they can.
The new laws in California are having a massive impact because it's such a huge market most producers will eventually comply which will be extremely expensive. Add to that the industry wide labor shortage, and the fact that South Korea imports most American pork belly and pays higher prices for it than we do, and BOOM, you have a bacon shortage.
Our province is in medical emergency overload thanks to all the damn antivaxxers. Don't give a fuck about the society they live in so they should leave.

I am not justifying the actions of all “anti-vaxxers” with this question, I am just more intrigued to hear your response. If someone got covid-19 before the vaccines were available and built up antibodies naturally, should they be required to get the vaccine?

Also, in the United States we didn’t have a resurgence of Covid cases until the onset of the delta variant... which was after the initial vaccines were released. So if the delta variant a product of the virus attempting to mutate to attack a stronger immune system, was it the vaccines that caused this mutation or the body’s natural antibodies that caused this mutation? Or was it a combination of both?

it’s also ironic to note that the industries that are seeing the greatest “shortages” of resources due to covid are also seeing the highest price increases. I understand this is economies of scale, basic supply and demand, if the supply decreases and demand stays the same or increases, so long as demand is greater than supply the price will rise. But what happens when you ask the question what countries were involved with creating the corona virus in the first place. Well let’s see the national institute of health on the United States were the original granters is the money that was provided to the Wuhan Lab for specifically gain of function research on bat corona viruses and this began in 2014. The original grant was 5 years with a second grant being issued for another 5 years to start in 2020. At the time the covid-19 was “released” upon the world. So the China and the United States, the two largest economies in the world, both worked together in the creation of the current issue that is plaguing the world. Should we trust the information that was provided to us when both China and the United States denied their involvement. Especially when Dr Anthony fauci in the United States was the person who signed the grant for NiH, but pretended to be “blindsided” by the emergence of the issue? Until it was proven that he was lying over and over again to the public.

I am not defending antivaxxers but merely providing a different perspective. there is a story about a boy who cried wolf, and he did it so many times that when there was actually a wolf no one believed him. So how many times does your government need to lie to you before you begin to question the intentions and motives behind the information you are being provided. Especially when the large scale corporations and companies of China and the United States are seeing record growth and closing down many small businesses in what is considered to be a global recession? Was this planned all along? Why did Bill Gates get involved in vaccine and GMO crops? Why he going on a global, I told you so, tour touting how he recognized that a global pandemic was eminent on the horizon? And why was Jeffery Epstein murdered, was he the missing link in the global conspiracy to attempt to “save” the earth by correcting the overpopulation and consumerism issues that have lead us to the point we are at now with global warming, natural disasters, and droughts? I don’t know. It just seems ironic that the list of “known associates” seem to be the same list of key players in the pandemic crisis. Why in america have we accepted that social media can deplatform Individuals who speak against the message being provided by our government, but yet the government was already proven to have lied? We used to have a freedom a speech, but that is being removed. Why were things like the CARES act, which was supposed to be focuses on helping those struggling from financial crisis due to the effects of covid contain litigation that allows Netflix to sue people sharing accounts? I mean more people are stuck at home watching tv, trying to escape the fact that they are unemployed and wasting that time in front of a tv. Is that the time to focus the on piracy laws in the USA?

with that all being said I think the bigger issue is being respectful of others and their space. I can’t tell you how many times someone has pushed me out of the way to get something off a shelf at a grocery store rather than say excuse me and give me time to move out of the way. If you have the vaccine it shouldn’t bother you if someone else has it or not, you protected yourself. But we could have avoided all of this by being mindful of others and actually distancing ourselves if sick. Which exposes the bigger issue in society of selfish entitlement.

odd times indeed, but in the beginning we could have organized as a planet and schedule a two-three week quarantine in the spring or fall, when temperature are most consistent in both the northern and Southern Hemispheres, and uses the stimulus packages to provide the resources for everyone to camp outside during that period. It was already proven that sunlight killed the virus and that it was being spread indoors. We could have made special arrangements for those who needed to be quarantined inside, the elderly and sick, and given the “hero” bonuses to those individuals who volunteered to quarantine with these high risk individuals and take care of them during this time of need. A lot less money would have been spent and the virus would have been eradicated back in 2020 before vaccines ever hit the market. But that would have required unity from the world....
And why was Jeffery Epstein murdered,

I don’t see shortages at the market, just price increases with mostly beef but everything has gone up. Our supply chains are fucked for commodities like copper, plastic pipe, and equipment. Prices for everything has gone up 25% in the last year and half as well. I bought 3 strip loins for my kids birthday dinner and it was $55 :o!
I’ve noticed a big increase in food prices too. I picked up a small chicken the other day for dinner. $22 !!!! I almost fell over. Didn’t think I’d live long enough to see a small chicken cost over $20.