Never had the bucks to collect/spent it all on blow

I only have 2 rifles, a Sako (Finnish) .270 Win & an Israeli Arms (I know

) 10 round 38 Special/357 Magnum pump action "Camp" gun that separates at the stock so you can stick it into your backpack.
I used to go deep wood camping in the Adirondacks, NY where there were Black bear & degenerates, so I felt safer armed

I also have a 12 gauge Ithaca pump (who doesn't? ) with 3 barrels, 2 rifled for slugs (24" & 36") & 1- 42" regular barrel for bird/skeet.
No hand guns (don't like the law/permits/investigations/etc)
But I do have a Navy Colt .36 black powder revolver to play Civil War with

I got enough guns/ammo/bows/arrows/knives & shillelaghs to beat off those mutated Republican hordes that WILL NOT SURVIVE BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T VACCINATE!!!!!
Really, I read/heard on Facebook that there is a new mutant strain that developed on the border of Mississippi & Louisiana.
They designated/named it the asshole strain.
For real
Google it