Bacteria in Aeroponics

Two days ago I transplanted my rooted clones from the clone machine into the rockwool conditioned cubes and placed them in deep water culture system I had set up earlier that same day. Everything was going great, I treated the water with Hygrozime and a low quantity of 35% H202 and went to bed putting a cold pack in every bucket and dreamt sweetly about the sweet cheeba that would be springing to life in my grow room in only a few short weeks. I woke yesterday, and to my surprise, there were roots already popping out of the rock wool of 2 of the clones. I nearly shit myself. I've rooted clones fast before, but this was uncanny. In one night my clones were already rooted through the rockwool. I sparked a bowl in celebration. Today, I woke to find all my plants now rooted with a few dipping into the deep water culture already. I was super amped until I took a closer look at the water to find bacteria colonies growing on all of my airstones and floating around in the water. If someone could tell me what the fuck is going on that would be great. I had a 12 plant garden only 2 months ago that was completely overrun by this bacteria and it killed off 5 of my plants before we could transplant them into soil. Please someone help me figure this fungus problem out. I don't understand how it could be surviving in these conditions.


Wow man that shit is no joke it took over fast. The only problem that I can see is that you mixed hygrozyme and h2o2. you killed your beneficial bacteria. I know that on the bottle it says that its ok to mix h-zyme and h2o2 but it is not. I would have to do some searching to explain why you cannot mix them but I was doing the same thing and I kept getting root rot. I was told to chose one product or the other and the root rot would slowly go away. sure as shit I used h-zyme and aqua shield by botainicare. I had to change the water alot. When I did my rez change I cleaned everything with clorox bleach. the bleach will evaporate when everything drys off. I would use very little nutes untill you get this sorted out.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
I just had this, lol. I just figured out what caused it. Also I just got rid of it.

The prob came for me cuz the water got to hot. I just got a huge air pump. I placed it in the tent. So it was pumping its own hot air into the tent. After a few days of this with no h202 it got like that. I added h202 and after a few days it cleared up mostly. I checked the water temp and was blown away by the warmth.

I put the airpump outside and the water cooled off. Also I added better airstones. It was a combo of not enough oygen in the water and maybe some light leeks but I hear it is dark this stuff needs. Hot water has no oygen. It will turn brown, that jelly in a few days. Yu will prob lose the smaller clones. Bigger clones survive.

So get more oygen in the air and bring down temps so it can stay. H202 helps but takes a few days.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
at leat I think. I had hot water and bad air for a few days. But it occured around airstones for me. Mine was clear jelly. H202 helped so did more and cooler air and cooler water. The smallest root systems became brown. The bigger made it.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
lol, on another note. Dont buy the 35 watt 45$ airpump with free shipping. It works but it gets very hot and has plastic parts. I almost burned down my pad just now. Two hours ago I guess I tossed some dirty clothes on it by accident and I just checled the buckets and the pump had shut down, slime returned a little, and the pump was blazing hot. If I had not checked I would have had a fire. I put it in front of the air con and it works again at cooler temps. Frickin close. + reps for the post saving my ass.
The only problem with the heat thing is, I don't have a heat problem. The water is around 70 degrees all the time because I'm cold packing it. Additionally, I have a duel diaphragm pump hooked up to those six buckets with air stones. That pump is good for a 16 bucket system. Also, after doing some research, I may have isolated the problem. I was using vinegar for my pH down solution. I believe that it may have reacted with the high concentrations of O2 in the water from the H2O2 to create "Mother of Vinegar". The only reason I see this as the only possibility is because there is no nutes in the water. I just planted them in the buckets 2 days ago and I was waiting on them to root thorough the rockwool before I fed them. Bacteria could not have formed in such vast quantities so quickly with out nutes for them to consume. If anyone else could shed some light on it that would be great, or if someone has had some type of experience with mother of vinegar forming in their DWC that would be awesome too.


Well-Known Member
I don't have hot water, i have nutes in the water and sometimes i found some gelly shit like that. H202 don't change anything as i add some h202 every 2 days.

I think it's a light leak as well as not enough circulation in the water.
But i am not sure as i didnt try to figure it out so far..

tea tree

Well-Known Member
wait a minute. you say your pump is dual diaphragm. I hope it is not that crappy 80 dollar gh pump. That thing is like 8 watts and billed as special. It is retarded. you need 1 watt a gallon of water. I have a 35 watt pump for 7 five gallon buckets. I only run 5 on it in case it gets hot or in case of anything. I paid way less than the gh fraud pump. They lie. I cant beleive they do. 8 watts od power is not good enough for two buckets. Let alone 8. Take it back and get on ebay a comercial airpump. 50 bucks for a good one. If this is not your pump and your pump is huge then I am sorry. My prob is almost all gone. I used, more air, less heat, and some h202 multiple times at high doses.


Well-Known Member
needing a amount per gal for the H2O2 i mixed some up but not so sure its not too strong and dont want to spray it on and kill them.