Bacteria in res ???????

The h2o2 is killing your aquashield bennies so you have to stop running it in your res, but you can wash/clean with it between res changes. You also need to dechlorinate or use R/O water from the grocery store or whatever because that will probably kill the aquashield too. 55ml in 4 gallons is waste of money, 20-25 ml is fine. Continue to add it to the res two or three times a week throughout the entire grow. I don't know what system you are in, but in DWC h2o2 rarely does dick, especially once you have an established problem. I have had and beaten root rot with aquashield on several occasions but you have to be sure you don't kill it... or brew up stronger tea that can survive the chems (heisenberg sticky thread in dwc forum). Each time I got slimed it was due to fucking up the aquashield or not using enough or often enough.

Make sure your aquashield isn't expired... look in the bottle and see if you see mush chunks floating around. Smallish dark black specs is normal. This is something almost everyone goes through that does some form of DWC, but it is simple and cheap to fix. Make sure you have an air pump, 100% light proof, 70* water... use a gatorade cooler or wrap your bucket in 3 layers of silver bubble wrap (reflectix - home depot) and give it a 1L bottle of ice once a day. I don't know what kind of set up you have, but adapt the principles to fit your needs.
Im doing a 1 day flush with ph'd water and aquashield.... My ph the last 4 hours has stayed stable... SO maybe as superstoner suggested the plants just were telling me they wanted more nutes ???
The h2o2 is killing your aquashield bennies so you have to stop running it in your res, but you can wash/clean with it between res changes. You also need to dechlorinate or use R/O water from the grocery store or whatever because that will probably kill the aquashield too. 55ml in 4 gallons is waste of money, 20-25 ml is fine. Continue to add it to the res two or three times a week throughout the entire grow. I don't know what system you are in, but in DWC h2o2 rarely does dick, especially once you have an established problem. I have had and beaten root rot with aquashield on several occasions but you have to be sure you don't kill it... or brew up stronger tea that can survive the chems (heisenberg sticky thread in dwc forum). Each time I got slimed it was due to fucking up the aquashield or not using enough or often enough.

Make sure your aquashield isn't expired... look in the bottle and see if you see mush chunks floating around. Smallish dark black specs is normal. This is something almost everyone goes through that does some form of DWC, but it is simple and cheap to fix. Make sure you have an air pump, 100% light proof, 70* water... use a gatorade cooler or wrap your bucket in 3 layers of silver bubble wrap (reflectix - home depot) and give it a 1L bottle of ice once a day. I don't know what kind of set up you have, but adapt the principles to fit your needs.

Im doing a 1 day flush with ph'd water and aquashield (no h202, was told don't mix them both before).... My ph the last 4 hours has stayed stable... SO maybe as superstoner suggested the plants just were telling me they wanted more nutes ???
Well ph this morning was 6.0 after I ph down to 5.7 range... Im leaning now towards the plant just wanted more nutes instead of bacteria... If bacteria ph would have been 4.0
i had issues last 4 weeks... it pissed me off to no end. finally i bought a chiller.

plants in hydro LOVE cold water. if you have such a small setup then maybe try a bubble bucket or small ebb n flow.

even 70* temp i feel is high... 64* is perfect for me. plants didnt grow for all 4 weeks an just stayed same an started growing wierd leaves small and dying. put temps to 64 and 2 days later plants almost doubled in size. not sure if plant rooted entire time im my sitaution and couldnt grow normal leaves then corrected it an it took off.

i never use any of the aquashield or bleach or anything. too many variables. tap water/nutes which ph stable and cold water an i get awesome green growth always.
It could be since the ppm went up it drank a lot more water and the higher concentration of nutes will make the ph lower. Also try using a beneficial bacteria like great white or pondzyme

I run GH nutes technaflora.... Read plant may not get enough calcium so I may need calmag ???? GH technaflora has magical cal, maybe use bigger doses of this..... Seen people have had ph drops around 4th week of flower, and im on day 22.
I run GH nutes technaflora.... Read plant may not get enough calcium so I may need calmag ???? GH technaflora has magical cal, maybe use bigger doses of this..... Seen people have had ph drops around 4th week of flower, and im on day 22.

What is the temperature of your water, guy? That is what people are getting at. It has nothing to do with a small grow set up. I was pulling 4oz a month off a wardrobe closet and a 250 hps. So that is not your problem. You will probably need to chill your water, do dirt, or just give up and leave it to people with more patience.

Sorry to be blunt but shit ain't that complicated. If your water is over 80 degrees ,FAIL. If you got to big of a light for your space, FAIL. Not enough air ventilation, FAIL. Hope you figure it out because weed is not cheap! :)