bad harvast soft buds

I had this too and found a few things that might help. I still learning this game myself. Up to my 5th grow.

Check you light. The bulbs may be buggered and need replacing. They might kick out light but no longer at the intensity you would like. Heat can be an issue but normally you will see that on the leaves. How do the feel during flower? Do they feel dry? What humidity is your tent? You can make a cheap wet towel cloth AC - fan blowing on a wet towel(if you have low humidity). Since you think you are having heat issues it might be better not to use HPS lights. Look into CFL or LED lights.

After that I would look into scrog growing. It will get more even light onto your buds making them bigger. This is my next adventure to increase my yield. Where do in intake your cold air and where are you exiting it?

How long does hps bulb exist?
My flower looked heathly on leaves just buds couldnt get bigger. My humidity in tent was around 70%. Hight humidity in my area all year.
I think about LED before. But seems like the heat still come out from the top of the panel, and still kind of expensive for me.Just spent some money on air cool hood. I think ima use it for next few runs.
I intake the air from outside of the window. Thats the only way I can get fresh air in. See the attach photo it's my air circulation. Sorry for the bad draw.

Yea chopping your fan's wasn't the best of moves....this combined with your temp issues and mabay offset r/h sounds like your culprit......if you want to use any additives then some p/k 13/14 would benefit you if used at the appropriate time(usually half way through).........
Yes now I know chop the fan leaves is not a good idea.
Sorry I don't understand what you mean for the bottom part. Sorry for my bad English.
All the hairs should be brown or atleast 90% of them or so..the buds have not swollen if the hairs are still white and have not receded any.
I cut them when it's 80% brown. I heard it's too late if all brown.
Also make sure your getting fresh air in there lack of co2 can cause problems as in no or slow growth
Yes, thanks. Pls see my attached photo for my air circulation if anything need to be correct.
Go with a 1000 watt and rid the 2 400s. flower longer at least 2 more weeks
Thanks for the advise, but if I use 1000w AC should be on for most of the year. My friend used to use 1000w. It's only good during the coldest month during winter, which is only two month or so.

Another photo are the ladies I'm currently run in veg.


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