bad harvests

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
hey guys, iv seen alot of beautiful grows out there and i was wondering if there were any that hadnt gone so well...lookin for ppl to posts their crops that had "went bad" and what you did (if anything) to save it...:leaf::leaf: bongsmilie


Im using fox farm ocean forest with their GB, BB, TB....due to nute burn I eased off the nutes for a week or so to let them recover, which they have been slowly


Well-Known Member
you probably have a ph issue or you have a salt build up. both are very common when using those nutrients. always make sure you ph your water between 5.8-6.5 in soil. and every four weeks you should flush when using fox farm.


I always Ph check/balance every time I water and I did do a flush about 3 to 4 weeks ago....what has been helping lately is doing water with molases and lot of co2 being dumped in the room....but dry ice can get expensive fast lol