Bad idea to get visable tattoo?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't hire you.

Not because I have a problem with it as honestly I couldn't care less, but inevitably some of my customers may have issue with visiable tattoos, and I'm in the game to make money, so your application would be tossed.

Now that I think of it, only one of my employees doens't have a tattoo, but all are easily covered so I never see them. But just goes to show you how important it could be to not have visiable tats.


Well-Known Member
Once you get established I don't think it matters a bit.I notice lots of cops are tat'd up on their arms
No seriously, it matters to many employers. Visiable tats are something a person should really think through.

Yeah, a cop with a tatoo is the first person Im gonna rub up against at a social gathering, lol.


Well-Known Member
Yeah no biggie I have the devil on my arm with pitchforks crossing and he's grinning. I'm planning a good vs evil theme and on my back will be Jesus melting into the devil.
For me it serves as a reminder not to go back on the path I was on.
Long sleeves work


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't hire you.

Not because I have a problem with it as honestly I couldn't care less, but inevitably some of my customers may have issue with visiable tattoos, and I'm in the game to make money, so your application would be tossed.

Now that I think of it, only one of my employees doens't have a tattoo, but all are easily covered so I never see them. But just goes to show you how important it could be to not have visiable tats.
That's why I didn't hire the kid. He was nice enough but my store was in a higher middle class neighborhood. People have a natural tendency not to trust sales people as it is.


Well-Known Member
Just keep them off your face, neck and hands and you should be good.

I think it's an automatic for people to judge you if they're in those locations.

It's screams for attention and people wonder about your judgement.

That said, I have 6. Both inner forearms and biceps.


bud bootlegger
Just keep them off your face, neck and hands and you should be good.

I think it's an automatic for people to judge you if they're in those locations.

It's screams for attention and people wonder about your judgement.

That said, I have 6. Both inner forearms and biceps.
not like this, but love it..
couldn't agree more.. i have tatts, but would NEVER get them on the neck or face or hands, as i think neck and face tattoos are a big fuck you to society, just my opinion of course, but seriously, if you've got a face or neck tattoo, you've pretty much decided to the fact that you want to live in the outskirts of society and don't ever want to get a respectable job.. if you have in on those two places, you can pretty much bet that your life opportunities have been severely limited to jobs like tattoo artist, musician, pro athlete, mma fighter or, lastly, inmate number 10113944..
hand tatts i don't look at like face tattoos, i just personally don't like the looks of them..

tattoos have become much more socially acceptable, so long as you don't get them on the face or neck imvho..
my $.02


bud bootlegger
too funny kintetic, this guy i used to work with at tower records years ago got a neck tattoo...
want to take a guess as to what he does now for a living? he's also a tattoo artist, and amateur mma fighter, too funny..


Ursus marijanus
He's talking about tattoos not just neck tattoos. Iroquois were tattooing their face in the 1500s and prior. Im sure polynesians have been doing it longer as well
He was talking about tattoos as a fad. They sort of took off in the mid-90s iirc. At least in CA's Bay.


Well-Known Member
I think we started seeing a different type of tattoo and crowd. The military tattoos took off during ww2
Was that a fad?


Well-Known Member
not like this, but love it..
couldn't agree more.. i have tatts, but would NEVER get them on the neck or face or hands, as i think neck and face tattoos are a big fuck you to society, just my opinion of course, but seriously, if you've got a face or neck tattoo, you've pretty much decided to the fact that you want to live in the outskirts of society and don't ever want to get a respectable job.. if you have in on those two places, you can pretty much bet that your life opportunities have been severely limited to jobs like tattoo artist, musician, pro athlete, mma fighter or, lastly, inmate number 10113944..
hand tatts i don't look at like face tattoos, i just personally don't like the looks of them..

tattoos have become much more socially acceptable, so long as you don't get them on the face or neck imvho..
my $.02
Im gonna half to respectfully halfway disagree with you. While your statement is often true it is equally as often the opposite. Like sunni said I think it has alot to do with the nature of the tattoos and the person wearing them. I have tattoos on all those places. Not my face but the side of my head. None of them are offensive and ive never had a problem getting jobs. I have customers of my own and am very close to being completely self employed. Im a very easy guy to get along with but most people wouldnt kjow that because they make assumptions. Their loss really.


Well-Known Member
I have had to turn the most qualified applicant twice for tattoos and piercings when working in fire and ems. It was in our s.o.g's and we had to follow them.


Well-Known Member
I have customers of my own and am very close to being completely self employed. Im a very easy guy to get along with but most people wouldnt kjow that because they make assumptions. Their loss really.
When you do have your own business, every customer that walks out your door, for any reason, is YOUR loss, because they just took their money elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
When you do have your own business, every customer that walks out your door, for any reason, is YOUR loss, because they just took their money elsewhere.
In this day and age where everyone and their mother has a tattoo its not as big a deal as most would think to be covered in them. Thats just my personal experience. Tattoos arent as "scary" as they once were. There will always be exceptions but not often imo. I live very comfortably with what I make so a snotty customer here and there doesnt bother me.


Well-Known Member
i think employers care a lot less about tattoos nowadays. it just isn't plausible anymore to deny someone a job for the sole fact that they have a tattoo.