Yes. FF OF is fine. I wouldn't recommend it, as some strains are more "touchy" than others. Here's how I do it and have a 100% succession rate...
- Measure one cup of distilled water and add one drop of pure Hydrogen Peroxide, throw it in a spray bottle
- Take some of your new H202 and put in a shot glass. Drop your seeds into the water (they'll float).
- After 12-24hrs, check your seeds. If they havent sunk yet, tap your finger on the seeds and see if they sink... they will.
- Now take 2 full size paper towels and fold both twice, making two 4 layer squares.
- Soak both of your paper towels by spraying with the H202 or even just dump the shot glass water on them. Ring em out to where they're very damp, but not dripping soaked.
- Lay down one piece of folded paper towel and spread your seeds on top. Take the other folded paper towel and lay it over top of them.
- Put your blanketed seeds into a humidity dome or a Tupperware container with a couple of holes drilled in the top of it.
- Now lay your Tupperware container on something that is constantly warm, but not HOT! A seedling germinating heat pad is best, as it has a probe that can be stuck into the paper towel and it will keep it at whatever degree you set it on. I usually use mine at 80-85F.
- Check seeds every day, make sure that paper towels stay moist, as they were when you started. Eventually (if the seeds are good), you'll have a half inch tap root sticking out of your seedlings. That's when they're ready.
- Now, I already have my airpots filled with a mix of FF Happy Frog (60%) FF Ocean Forest (20%) and perlite (20%)
I don't recommend transplanting a lot, I go straight from spout to my final pot. I put my sprouted seeds just barely under the soil, using the blunt point of a Bic pen to make the hole to plant in (maybe a half an inch), lightly cover with the soil. Now, throw it under your grow light at 50% (or if not dimmable, raise it!) Now just continue to mist where you planted the seed and keep it moist - with the same H202 you made at the beginning. As you see it dry out, mist it.... Don't worry about watering the rest of the huge pot at this point.
Within 2-3 days, the seed will show itself coming out of your soil, she'll quickly shed her seed and start hunting for that light. Start to water more, once the first leaves show themselves, with normal distilled water. Once the first leaf set shows, I'll hit it with a super diluted Big Bloom feeding. It'll take off after that, crank the lights and let it eat....