Bad Iso hash?


Active Member
I did my first attempt at iso the other day. While straining the iso into the pyrex dish some trim got in. I'm wondering if the trim will hold the iso in like a sponge instead of letting it evaporate. Is it safe to smoke?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't think it would be a problem. Just make sure you let it dry out well so to speak....



Active Member
Well considering I just packed the last of my weed up I'll see if it gets me high at least lol. I'll leave a fan on it for a while.
Hahaha I'm not sure you'd want it...


Well-Known Member
when you think it's ready wait another week or two....

I find iso oil to be kinda nasty....messy and tastes a little like jabba the hutt's armpit...

Last time i made it i took some nice buds...ground them to powder and mixed the oil with it, made kind of a knock off jelly hash.... It was still a little nasty but far less messy a lot more smokeable....



Active Member
Yea it didn't quite make it a week. More like a day and a half... Good news is it gets me high and I'm not blind lol.