bad luck or poor conditions?


Active Member
out of my three plants all three we're males! what a fuckin bummer.... is there any factors that may cause males or is it just bad luck?:dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce:
BTW, im using promax soil w/ MG moiture control mixed in.
150watt HPS system and half a dozen 24w/Mixed CFL bulbs.
+rep for help


Well-Known Member
out of my three plants all three we're males! what a fuckin bummer.... is there any factors that may cause males or is it just bad luck?:dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce:
BTW, im using promax soil w/ MG moiture control mixed in.
150watt HPS system and half a dozen 24w/Mixed CFL bulbs.
+rep for help
naw bro thats bad luck lol damn thats fucked up with luck like that u need to be real careful. u might wanna start gettin fem seeds:lol:
I had 3 plants. One I started outside and brought it inside . That was the biggest but it turned out to be a male. I have two nice female plants now that i started inside from bag seed and they are looking dank.