Bad things in the air


Well-Known Member
i was thinking of a different grow setup(not seriously, im just high and a lil drunk lol), and the idea that i was pondering involved the intake coming from a bathroom. this bathroom has a cat litterbox in it, and it got me thinking about if the cat shit smell might sometimes make it to the growroom, and affect the plants in some way. i doubt that would do anything serious to the plants, but that lead me to wondering what other common airborne substances could affect the plant?

im really looking for common stuff, but if u know of something like chlorine gas will fuck them up, i guess that could be added to the list haha

so if u know of any airborne substance that can fuck up an mj plant, post it up. i havent heard much about this, besides CO2 stuff


Well-Known Member
although i have never heard of any specific problems with this, cat crap and piss have ammonia in it. While it sits there its releasing certain chemicals into the air thats actually VERY harmful when breathed in, and especially if ur PREGNANT. I would consider moving ur intake to a more suitable(maybe sterile) area, to avoid any possible problems. I used to bread cats so i know a little bit.. also one time i took on a job in a house that was owned by a hoarder, she had cat crap EVERYWherE in the basement. It took me 3 hours to clean up all the cat crap that was dried everywhere, and by the end of it, i was sick for about 2 weeks....

ITS SHIT.....remember that LOL


Well-Known Member
dude hit me a dub a dat sticky sweet catshit LOL .... thats gonna be stuck in my head for along time ... hahahaa
seriously tho, like stated above i would move your intake, i just left socket end of my reflector vent open and let it pull the heat and humidity from the grow area, and it vents into my crawl space.


Well-Known Member
that isnt the grow setup i have. it was just a hypothetical one i was thinking of. good points on the ammonia lol i guess cat shit would affect them