Bad Trip - Have you had one?


Well-Known Member
from being stupid in high school; with the wrong mindset.
i have had some bad experiences or 'bad trips' with mushrooms.
i have never with lsd but i know it's still very possible for it to happen.
it is often discribed as more intense or 'the hardest trip' by people who have experienced bad trips.
everyone trips differently so different bad trips could happen.
only bad trips ive had are NOT me freaking out from what im seeing but from me freaking out of what i am thinking. and being stupid from eating way too many mushrooms for my first time and other times when it was not appropriate to be tripping.
my bad trips are more of a 'mindfuck'

Different Kinds of Trips
The Mindfuck:
What some people desire more than anything out of a trip, this is usually the kind of trip that scares people more often. You feel an overwhelming sense of self and your thoughts become distorted. I believe visuals come from this but are completely seperate. You may feel very inferior or insignificant, or you may go deep into a 'hole' in which you do nothign but silently think with glass eyes.

This is top-notch. Any good mindfuck trip is a good trip regardless, because it has a very real power. But any bad mindfuck trip can be the worst thing ever (when its happening) but once days go by and the trip was thought out, it becomes a very enlightening experience. You learn a lot from it.

The Hallucinatory Trip:
Of course, any hallucinogen causes slight distortions in everything, but this is the kind of trip that forces you to focus on insane visuals. You may see 2-D worlds, walls melt away, your friend's face morph into a monster, a lightbulb catch fire and burn. And that's mild hallucinations.

Once heavy ones set in, this can become, more than anything, confusing. You will be mildly amused most times, but it can be scary. This does not, however, cause "bad trips" as often as a mindfuck will. It just makes things stupidly insane.

Also, this can apply to any other sense. You may feel your fingernails fall off, or you may hear people talking in booming, unintelligible thunder.

Can get ridiculous at times, but who doesn't think that true hallucinations aren't cool?

Here's where the big players and big doses come in. This is the kind of trip in which reality no longer exists, and the division between what you believe and what you imagine is shattered. Your friend could catch fire and then you turn into a figment of his imagination, something so unreal that it scares you to death.

This can get very scary and isn't usually very enjoyable unless you are used to it. However, it does happen.

I was never partial to this kind of thing ,but it's my personal opinion. If you wanna become detached, go for it.

Now those are only three... The most basic three, and you get many variations and this in no way covers all trips, but it gives you a good idea of what else can happen.

id like to hear peoples experiences with bad trips.
what substance was it?
what was the dose and what times were they ingested?
and what was the experience like?


Well-Known Member
thought this was a great story that you all could enjoy.


Active Member
thought this was a great story that you all could enjoy.
Haha watched this video ageees ago, he told his trip quite well I thought. Personally ive never had a bad trip! Been upset/aggravated while tripping once. Was at The Big Chill festival 2010 and had taken 20-25mgs of 2ce, about 5-6 hours into the trip I got burning sensation in my eye, the festival had quite a bit of a dusty path walking from camp to camp, I thought that I had gotten something in my eye. After rubbing it/blinking loads for a while I wondered why the pain was still there! and because I was tripping balls at the time I think it made me worry and think more into it. I was with my friend who had dropped some acid at the same time as I took my 2ce, I asked him to look my in my eye to see if there was anything in there he replied na there aint so I left it an hour not touching my eye and trying to forget about it, but an hour had passed and the pain was still there.. I then closed my left eye and kept my right eye open which was the eye that had been affected and it was cloudy! I was like shiit whats going on! Then my friend was like we can go to the First Aid tent and get it washed by a first aider, this put my head at ease for a bit. But oh my gosh, getting your eye cleaned while tripping balls is a fucking experience, looking at the paramedic trying to follow his finger with my injured eye only open tripping balls was hard, and I could just see my mate laughing looking @ things because well acid is hilarious :). But after that ordeal and we left the first aid tent (still dident know why my eye was hurting) I just wanted to stop tripping really, but because I wanted it to end it lasted a long time, I was tripping for a good 12-14 hours no joke. When I sober'd up I fgigured out that my eye had been laserd because it happend to another friend in a club once and he had the same symptoms (cloudy, irritable). But yeah that was quite horrible was not a "bad" trip though.

and lol my eye was like cloudy for 3 days afterwards!! its weird relying on one eye ahah


Well-Known Member
To me shrooms are not as inviting, and happy as lsd. I find psilocybin to be a bit uncomfortable on high doses, but very enjoyable at the 3.5 gram range. In an ideal setting im not sure that lsd could become unenjoyable to me at any dose. If I could say that a substance made me uncomfortable I would have to say salvia, although I am completely awed, and amazed everytime I have an experience like this and dont consider it to be "bad"


Well-Known Member
lol i had bad trips on lsd mushrooms, salvia and dmt

my first ever bad trip was when i first found hallucinogenics 30th august 1997 ( i remeber the date as the whole of next day nothing was on tv apart from diana's death)

had tripped a few times before hand but this time we decided to make space cakes to eat before we started tripping as soon as i'd eaten my cake a mate gave me 1 1/2 alien head tabs, pretty soon after that he split another one with me and we did it again 2 more times before i started to come up (3 tabs total)
when i did start to come up i came up really strongly realising that i was coming up on the first lot i imedialty thought one of the worst things you can ever think of when tripping "i've done too much"
as soon as that thought crossed my mind the happy buzzy part just drained out of my and was replaced by a dread that i was never coming back and was stuck. i spent the next 8 hours just holding on trying not to panic further and go right off the deep end
i told my mates it was going funny but none of them was any help nor knew what to do i remember somone putting excaliber on cant remeber much of that film was too wasted,
after that some bright spark decided platoon would be a good view, i remember sitting in the middle of the sofa between 2 friends im much taller than themboth but the whole time i felt like they were towering above me and i was a tiny speck on sofa, i got stuck on a loop watching tom berenger walking thru the same bush with the same scar and i lost it i dived over to the video recorder and tried in vain to get it to stop playing, i ended up garbling that somone needed to needed to turn it off before i broke it
after that i spent rest of the nigt going from room to room just to change the scenery when my head got too lost in itself. i stayed out of the kitchen tho as when i went in there the gaps between the cupboard doors and drawers grew and grew (looked a bit like kitchen in ghostbusters) and it seemed that if i stayed in there the walls would have fallen away and dropped me into an abyss
slowly i came back down but by morning i was still a mess spent the rest of the day in a sureal world where everywhere was talking about diana's death

being young i didnt stop taking acid had a trip within a week or 2 of that they weren't comfortable at all but i wouldnt call them bad as such now i know lsd very well and can recognise/ banish the bad thoughts as and when they come

i will come back and post some on my other bad trips in a bit lol too much typing ;)


Well-Known Member
ive never had a bad trip but i know it could happen to me, especially on shrooms. im not too worried though cause ive heard that sometimes u can learn more from the bad trips than the good ones. and to me thats what trippin is all about. LEARNING.


Well-Known Member
At high dosages, sometimes lsd will bring out any skeletons you've got hiddin in your closet
whhhat? thats some crazy shit.
ive never seen true hallucinations like that.

does anyone know how many ugs of lsd or how many grams of boomers would it take to get "true" hallucinations?

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
LOL not actual hallucinations. I dont mean seeing actual skeltons. Im talking about things that haunt your past, or anything youve kept hiding, seem to get brought out and thought about. Atleast for me they do. Ill get very anxious and start to have a bad trip. I duno thats the best way i can explain it


Well-Known Member
LOL not actual hallucinations. I dont mean seeing actual skeltons. Im talking about things that haunt your past, or anything youve kept hiding, seem to get brought out and thought about. Atleast for me they do. Ill get very anxious and start to have a bad trip. I duno thats the best way i can explain it
haha sorry bruv. thats some funnny shit.
but i know exactly what you mean.
thats exactly why i dont hide things.
you cant really ignore things that haunt you from the past. but you can get rid of things bothering you as long as you let them go.


Well-Known Member
I had a pretty bad trip on lsa, although I must admit it was partially my fault. Took a big dose and wasnt entirely in the right mindset.


Well-Known Member
Most bad trips are good trips
Then there are the I think my ass is leaking trips.
The I have something wrong with me that society hates, trips
The mindloop trips
the trapped in a space with a scary entity big enough to eat your car
The oh shit i think I went nuts trips.
shit I think I could go on for hours.


Well-Known Member
Most bad trips are good trips
Then there are the I think my ass is leaking trips.
The I have something wrong with me that society hates, trips
The mindloop trips
the trapped in a space with a scary entity big enough to eat your car
The oh shit i think I went nuts trips.
shit I think I could go on for hours.
ahaha....this reminds me one time i took about 5 hits of some strong blotters. When i peaked everything just stopped making sense...all the music, everyting i saw all went really weird.I was sitting with a few people at my house and I turned off all my music equipment and kinda walked around very panic for about 15 secs. It felt like i was going nuts but it went away quickly and i calmed myself down...lols


Well-Known Member
No one really wants to have a bad trip, but as ANC comedically put it, bad trips are good trips in return! They are of most value, they are life changing to say the least.


Well-Known Member
Most bad trips are good trips
Then there are the I think my ass is leaking trips.
The I have something wrong with me that society hates, trips
The mindloop trips
the trapped in a space with a scary entity big enough to eat your car
The oh shit i think I went nuts trips.
shit I think I could go on for hours.
been there before, not all of em but a few


Edit; I didn't know if this was my first post or not but it is so hello to all, I've been lurking a long time! 3 years to be exact

I've had a really good trip which at first i thought was bad
Was intensely auditory,visual and the mindfuck made for one hell of a trip..
I could sometimes get inside peoples head and listen to their thoughts which were all racing 3 words a frame (and none of them were good words always negative things) and SWIM, I could see his collar bone as he had his shirt off and his skin started to move in those areas first it 3 dimensionally shaped to a triangle,square,pentagon,hexagon,octagon... etc and kept expanding into a vaster and more complex shape which was as if i had looked into the inner fractal of the human skin and it was the most beautiful of all fractal patterns with waves of highly rendered/hued pink and purple skin tones.
As i looked to the girl that was also with us out the back having a cigarette watching the stars and smoking some bowls the hedge behind her began to grow as her skin tone turned to a light green and had more natural swirling/flowing patterns as apposed to being geometrical and complex.
There was an insane body load that i could only just feel but the peak was just the most amazing experience I have had to this day on Blotters and I've taken my fair share, I swear it felt as if within the time of having some bowls in SWIM's room taking the tab to going out the back and i would concentrate more and more on these visuals as the body load which by this point was unbearable (to the point i could keep one part of my body still) but felt almost orgasmic at the same time and this was within 15 minutes (took the tab at about 8 or 9).
After the 'Peak' i started to mellow down a bit well i thought i was then the paranoia and then i could listen to peoples heads again i started hearing very negative things coming from nowhere and felt some very bad "VIBES" is the only word i could describe the exploding energy fields coming from people (almost like a computer generated image of the sun's surface bubbling and flaring).
I then continued to question people on what as going/why they hate me (good friends/psych users for 2 years and never had anything happen like this within our group of around 6 psychonauts), they assured me nothing was wrong and advised me to chill out and smoke a bowl.
By this time i just absolutely couldn't be around people their expressions so menacing and empowering which just for some reason absolutely killed my ego (the only way i can describe that i was suddenly robbed of my consciousness and sitting there in that seat while my comrades enjoy their trips around me i had to remember/gain the knowledge and life experiences i had accumulated up until this moment and), SWIM rode back to my house with me which i distinctly remember was as if i was on the top of a fish eye lens photograph.
I finally got home and SWIM went back at the beginning of my street my house has a side gate (but not so much as a gate that it swings, it a bit of pool fencing cut to size and wedged between the colourbond fence and our house to stop the dog from getting out) upon doing this and wheeling my bike up the side and putting the gate back in place, the sky was aurora borealis'ing and there was one bright white light (I'm just assuming it was the moon) but it would follow me and was too bright to look directly into like a helicopter spotlight (knew it wasn't due to the only thing i could hear was wind).
I got into my room and lay on my back for what felt like a brief moment and now i look back on it a lot happened within that moment e.g realized my house was a living organism. Finally at about 7 am i started coming down like my other acid trips and then went on to sleep for 15 hours and since then have developed a mild bipolar disorders.

Its definitely was a mixed emotion trip but I was genuinely convinced my friends were conspiring against me and yet i had the most amazing visuals with such variety and definition. Acids nothing to fuck with or it will fuck with you but in saying that will also say that it has changed both the way i view the world and my perspective of the people that live on it, for the BETTER.

Greatest and most terrifying experience to this day