Baffled! Seeking expert advise...

munch box

Well-Known Member
Your outside air is usually from 300-400 ppm in most places. (cities its higher) Your exhaust is only 500 cfm and your flower room is just over 600 square feet. You should exchange the air in your room 3-5 times per minute OR use a co2 supplament. How tall is your flower room? find out your cubic footage.

Green Lantern

Active Member
Your outside air is usually from 300-400 ppm in most places. (cities its higher) Your exhaust is only 500 cfm and your flower room is just over 600 square feet. You should exchange the air in your room 3-5 times per minute OR use a co2 supplament. How tall is your flower room? find out your cubic footage.
No, that's just over 600 cubic feet, not square feet. Veg is roughly 7.5x8'x8' and flowering room is 7.5'x8'x10.5'.
I've always understood it to be something like... able to clear the room in 3-5 minutes. 3-5 times per minute sounds extreme to me, but I've been wrong before.

munch box

Well-Known Member
3x is good since you don't have heat issues. make sure that your intake is at the furthest point away from the exhaust so that all the air moves. what do your roots look like? inspect the rootball of a dead or dieing plant for root disease/rot. maybe it could be some wierd type of virus or something

Green Lantern

Active Member
3x is good since you don't have heat issues. make sure that your intake is at the furthest point away from the exhaust so that all the air moves. what do your roots look like? inspect the rootball of a dead or dieing plant for root disease/rot. maybe it could be some wierd type of virus or something
All the books I have say the same thing... clear the room in under 5 minutes...
The intakes and exhausts are on the opposite sides of the rooms. Intake in 2 feet off the floor in one corner, with the exhaust pulling through a carbon filter way up high in the opposite corner.

There is some negative pressure in the rooms, though. Not sure if this has anything to do with it.

I picked up a cheap CO2 test kit and will be checking CO2 ppm later as well.

The last time I checked any roots they looked really healthy... abundant, pure white, etc... but I'll check one of the clones that are having a hard time later today after the lights go on.
Virus? Can't rule that out. Does anyone know anything about plant viruses?

munch box

Well-Known Member
If your fan is sucking air out and you have negative pressure (vacuum) then you are pulling air in from eveywhere. Maybe even from that moldy attic you were talking about earlier, thus voiding the benefits of an air intake filter. then you got mold bro.


Well-Known Member
Wow man, that sucks! I'm a noob, but I would start looking in the direction of faulty meters or possibly bad nutes. It seems way to odd for a pest to jump around like that and also not affect them when they are little. Sorry I can;t help more!


Green Lantern

Active Member
what you need to do is turn your room into a positive balloon force like i did my cab. turn your big ass exhaust fan around for intake put a filter on that, undo your carbon filter, plug your ozone generator back in that way the air is seeping out away from your plants instead of the mold in the attic coming down in on your mommys
Yeah, I think I'm going to run down to the home depot and pick up some in-line fans for the fresh air intakes. It's still nighttime for the plants for the next couple hours, so I can work on this...

Green Lantern

Active Member
ok, I just checked the ppm of CO2 and it appears to be normal... about 400-500pmm... about what I'd expect given no CO2 enrichment.

I'm going to add a 500cfm fan each to the fresh air intakes and make the exhaust fans 250cfm pulling through the carbon filters for both rooms. We'll see how that affects the negative pressure situation.

munch box

Well-Known Member
sounds good. just be ready. you could have irregular wind conditions + odor problems. have you taken a sample under a microscope yet to check for mold?

Green Lantern

Active Member
sounds good. just be ready. you could have irregular wind conditions + odor problems. have you taken a sample under a microscope yet to check for mold?
Microscope, no. But under 10x magnification there is no evidence of mold anywhere. I'm wiring up the new fans as we speak...


Just some idiot
I'm having the same problem, exactly. I have a wide open room with fans running 24/7. Humidity is not high.

Hey Green Lantern I'm the same guy from the other site different name. I'm looking too, I'll PM you if I find out. No one seems to know what it is that I talk to. I see what nat is saying but we have no mold, and as for air maybe thats you but I have a wide open basement and the air is moving fine. I;m stumped...completely.

Green Lantern

Active Member
Well, I just finished with installing intake fans and running a smaller exhaust in the flowering room. Negative pressure was definitely present. The rooms are much more balanced now. Let's see if this helps. If negative pressure is bad for plants, then I was doing them no favors...:roll:

Green Lantern

Active Member
I'm having the same problem, exactly. I have a wide open room with fans running 24/7. Humidity is not high.

Hey Green Lantern I'm the same guy from the other site different name. I'm looking too, I'll PM you if I find out. No one seems to know what it is that I talk to. I see what nat is saying but we have no mold, and as for air maybe thats you but I have a wide open basement and the air is moving fine. I;m stumped...completely.
I'll keep you posted Gygax1974!
I sure hope I figure this thing out soon, it's very stressful and frustrating. At least we're not alone here on the forums.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Few things you can try.First any chance this is a a Blueberry strain as i have had a similar issue with BB from Nirvana seeds..Might try a sulphur burner in the room and if it is mold or mildew that will kill all of it.What is the water temps and soil temps? cold res or watering with to cold or too warm water can cause some issues that make the leaves look like this clawing dry effect...If you RO your water dont try using plain ph tap water left out for a day.

Green Lantern

Active Member
Few things you can try.First any chance this is a a Blueberry strain as i have had a similar issue with BB from Nirvana seeds..Might try a sulphur burner in the room and if it is mold or mildew that will kill all of it.What is the water temps and soil temps? cold res or watering with to cold or too warm water can cause some issues that make the leaves look like this clawing dry effect...If you RO your water dont try using plain ph tap water left out for a day.
Not BB...
3 diff. strains... NLxBigBud & Superskunk from Nirvana & Euforia from Dutch Passion. The Euforia plant was the first to start all of this nonsense before it "spread" to the others one by one.

Unless mold or mildew is invisible, I don't have it.

The res temps are about 65F most of the time, been as high as 71F, lowest I've seen is 63.4F. Is this too low? I have heaters ready to go if it is. I figured 65F was on the low side of acceptable but holds more oxygen than at say, 75F. No?

The soilless mix around 70F.