Bag o' Schwag, first grow, closet CFL setup


Well-Known Member
I think your plants will be fine too. I must give you some rep for going from ghetto fabulous to fabulous. I like how you took simple/inexpensive things along with some ingenuity and turned your space into a nice starter grow.

BTW for anyone who might take offense to the term "ghetto fabulous", I'm not hatin'...simply do you!


Well-Known Member
Thanks DND! When I get back to my apartment I'll have had a birthday party, and hopefully that'll mean I can drop more cash on lights and fixtures.

The way I've figured it up, I want to have 12 lights over the plants.

Here's the grocery list:

2x lamp cord ($1.19) = $2.38
7x socket splitters ($0.89) = $6.23
2x lamp fixture ($0.89) = $1.78
4x 100w 6500K CFL (2 for $6.44) = $12.88
5x 150w 2700K CFL ($8.49) = $42.45

Total = $66.14

So after tax, and returning my veg nutes, I'll have spent about $63 just to get my lighting all taken care of. Pots will be another $10, then about another $10 for more soil and perlite. And THEN I still haven't solved side lighting problems... So I'll probably need another 3 or 4 150w... This is getting WAY more expensive than I can afford, and quickly.

Anyone want to buy me a 600W digital ballast and a nice HPS bulb? C'mon guys... it's just over $200 after shipping, and I'll give you a back rub in return!


Well-Known Member
lmao... well that looks like a pretty solid shopping list... and you really dont have to worry about side lights yet... not really until mid veg...


Well-Known Member
I figured I could just let the reflective walls do the job for now.

Now... this pot is from a bag of regs. I know that there's no way that this can grow up into purple-veined super chronic, but will I still get some fire? I know that it'll be better than the weed it came from, but will it be at all comparable to pot I'd blow $50 to $70 for usually? ($50-$70 is typical price for the best pot I know how to get)


Well-Known Member
Honestly most homegrown is way better than the majority of the street shit... Depending on how you grow it. You know alot already and are doing a great job so I have no doubt that your plants will turn into some serious Fire... My seeds were from just different random bags, some werent even that quality. And I think im going to get stoned off mah shit. 50$ - 70$ for what? an 8th? Quarter? hurry up and get those lights on your babies, they will all have serious orgasms lmao :D


Well-Known Member
Well I just found out family birthday celebrations were cancelled, so I'm not really sure if I'll have any money for more bulbs now. I'm sure I'll be able to get them somehow, but now it's more a matter of how legal it might be. Hopefully I'll know more about my financial situation at the beginning of next month.

And I meant $50-$70 an 8th. I've read that just because I'm growing them sensi and giving them lots of attention they should make some of the best bud I've ever smoked. I'm just not sure what to expect from a quarter bag I got for $20, you know?


Well-Known Member
Well It wont be like what you smoked, most likely a different pheno. Youll probably get a couple herms too... but the ladies you do end up with will rock your world, guaranteed. Got some new pics up on my thread, their just as crappy seeds as yours so peep them out. Genetics do play a huge roll, but so does properly growing them.


Well-Known Member
Very comforting information, ru8fru! My friend is watering/moving lights/taking pictures today, so hopefully I'll have some new ones up here before the day is done. I can't wait to hear how my babies are doing! I really really hope they're alright...


Well-Known Member
I wish I had a ru8fru teddy bear I could cuddle with at night that would just constantly reassure me everything was going to be alright. ;)

My friend is supposed to be headed to my apartment right now, so within the hour I'll have some more info to impart.


Well-Known Member
Sunday night is the first time I get to see my babies again. I still haven't heard back from my operative, so I'm not sure what's going on. If there's no news by the end of the hour I'm gonna call him.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, and since this is my first time I have no idea what to expect, or what I'm missing. From other peoples' grows, I suppose they've got 3 or 4 nodes formed by now and they'll be all big and bushy by the time I get to see them again. I feel like I'm missing a part of my children's lives!


Well-Known Member
If I remember right... I got about this much growth in about a week in a half or so... It ranges. The pics are from youngest to oldest obviously. It's been awhile though.



Well-Known Member
Alright, I just talked to my accomplice, and the babies are doing good!

They drank all the water in their reservoir, and apparently they've only grown to be 4" or 5" tall, so I believe they're already pretty rootbound. They're only in 8oz solo cups, after all, not the standard 12oz beer pong sized ones.

After refilling the res and spritzing the leaves (apparently the soil and res were bone dry), hopefully they'll stay healthy and happy enough that they can greet me with a smile when I get back.

Oh, and my friend forgot their camera, so (almost at the point of tears...) no pics for now. Sunday night will see the return of regular updates and daily pics!


Well-Known Member
thats awesome news!!! tell him to get some water in them, dont have him transplant tho, do that yourself... wish there was pics, but sunday isnt to far... is it? :D


Well-Known Member
The res got filled back up with .5" of pH treated water. I'm definitely more excited about getting back to my apartment now that I know they're healthy!