Bag-seed CFL noob soil grow.


Well-Known Member
ok in this journal, I am going to mostly be trying to find out how long I can keep my plants alive. I am also making this journal so I have something I can look back on in the futre and see how my sexy bitches grew. I have already germinated and sprouted 4 uknown seeds I recived along with a main order of afghan from I am using miracle grow organic (which which is working fiine for me). My lighting consists of one 125watt cfl and fixture. one 40watt cfl. one 25 watt cfl and a small 50watt hps (when the time comes.) Have not used any nutes but will probably just go with mg all purpose when nutes are needed. And for water I have been using bottled disstiled water. Here are three pics...will work on more later. definatly appreciate comments or suggestions. thanks.



Well-Known Member
Good luck on you're grow mang. Any questions ask away im sure theres people on here that will be glad to help you. As far as pics go, I resize all my pics in paint. Right click on pic and use open with paint then click on image option in paint and go to resize then resze youre pic. Well good luck with everything bro


Well-Known Member
Ok, here's an update on day 7. I think I have basically lost one plant so now I'm down to three. (I have no idea why it's dying) but the other three are looking healthy so i'm not worried. I read in another forum somewhere that someone who was doing an organic grow used mashed up banana and egg white with water as fertalizer. I know it's still early but I have fed my plants that twice and there loving it. here's some pics...let me know what ya think.



Well-Known Member
ya, it doesnt...I went the cheap route...but they seemm to be ok so...
w/e. I want to add some when I repot them though, if i was just going to do soil and some pearlight...what should the pearlight to soil ratio be?


Well-Known Member
80% soil, 20% perlite methinks. With an inch of perlite at the bottom for root aeration.

Are you going to use the hps for flowering? I've only heard of high wattage hps lights so I wonder what a 50 watt will be like.

Get those CFLs closer to your plants. Within 1-3 inches. Light decays rapidly with distance so you want them to be as close as possible! CFLs aren't too hot, but you might have to get a fan.

Also, how often and how much are you watering them? I would be very interested to know. I also recently started my first grow and am only a day or two behind you, so I'll be watching! Good luck man!


Well-Known Member
I use about a 70% soil to 30% perlite. Sometimes even a little more perlite. I'd throw the cfl's about 2-3 inches away.


Well-Known Member
all right, thanks for the info guyz. I have been having to water twice aday because the plants get bone dry all the way through. I am going to cut back to a once a day water from now on though because the little one is looking like it's starting to be over watered. again...thanks for info.


Well-Known Member
Ok, it's day 9 and like I suspected...3 plants died and I am left with one. I started germinating 3 THC bomb seeds yesterday and they should be able to be planted out by tomorow or the day after. I am going to use the same mg organic soil but this time I'm adding perlight like I should have last time. But untill than...heres some (crappy) pics of the one I have left, that actually looks pretty healthy.



Well-Known Member
Aw dude. I'm sorry to hear that :(.

Glad you're getting some new seeds out though. It will be interesting to see if the perlite makes such a difference.



Well-Known Member
Ok, I repotted my only plant into a bigger pot with perlite mixed in with the soil. It is healthy aside from having stunted growth, which I think is because of the absence of perlite in it's original soil. I also planted out yesterday 3 THC bomb seeds, two in a soil/perlite mixture and one in just regular soil. I'm curious to see which ones do the best. I will update in a couple of days.
(in the pic with the looks like it's brown or sick but it's just my camera, it looks fine in real life).

