Bag Seed Week 1 of Vegging....


Well-Known Member
yeah man its way to early to feed. and when they that young you dont have to water them to often either.


i have five, two week old (today) plants. 3 reg, 2 dro. one of my dro's have seem to have stunted in growth greatly, i say this comparing my other plants to it. im new at this and have some questions i hope some will have good, reliable answers too.
1) how far should i have my plants from the light?
P.s. im using 4, 6,500K fluorescent bulbs in a T8 fixture since its only a couple of weeks old for veg. (how long do i veg?)
2) how often should i water them? and how much?
p.s. im watering them twice a day, once at night, and once in the morning. i have them running on a 17L:7D light cycle, is this correct?
3) if this is a growth stunt, how much, and what kind of fertilizer should i use?


Well-Known Member
1. as close as you can. i use cfl´s and theyre about 2 inches from the top. it all depends on how hot it gets in there. you got a fan spinning, 2 inches is good. maybe 3
2 . depends on how big of a pot you got. they usually dont need that much water when they are in veg stage. not compared to bloom that is. water every 3 days maybe.
3. i dont think its a stunt, its growing allright, just not "outside" the pot. its roots are growing instead.
oh and btw, if you got a fairly nutrient rich soil, dont go feeding them yet. me personally dont start feeding until i switch to 12/12 (bloom) its better to underfeed than to overfeed in my opinion. if you underfeed, atleast you know what the problem is. overfeeding is trickier because its not allways the feeding that is the problem.
hope i helped and good luck to you sir


Well-Known Member
I would start again with fresh seeds.
They have plenty of time to recover, my last batch were nearly fried (due to my dumb ass heating the cabinet with a heat lamp... I know, I know what a dumb fuck) but they survived...
seedlings 11-29-11 005.jpgseedlings 11-29-11 002.jpgseedlings 11-27-11 002.jpgseedlings 11-28-11 003.jpg
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One didn't survive, one was a male. Two left, not bad, who would have thought they would turn out like this?


Well-Known Member
oooouf! man when the leaves look like that, just pull em off. they aint catching no light whatsoever
last ones look yummy though ^^