Bagseed *48 days. Done?


Active Member
Hypothetical situation here. If this was my friends first grow and he was wondering if this is done. Supposed to be Kush, and the trichs look mostly cloud but 1/4 are mostly amber.

He trimmed them because he thought they were done, but then decided he should double check on here. He also says he can get a better picture if needed.

CFL grow btw. Around 500 watts.

The reason he is asking btw is because he wants to know if they will get any fatter



Well-Known Member
ok so in other words you are growing this and you want to know if it will get fatter? lol take a few more pics and that should make it easier for everyone to help ya


Active Member
What Spoon said...I personally like the trichs right where you have them.That's MY preference. Looks good!


Active Member
Cool thanks for the response guys. ...My friend thinks growing is more addictive than tattoos! Wouldn't have been able to do it without this site.