bagseed and a autofem

Recently started a small cabinet grow. Im vegging one plant right now, and I'm germenating the auto. The bagseed plant us about 3-4 inches tall. Im using ffof and extra perlite, no extra nutes, got A 25W 5000K cfl and a 15w 5000k cfl recently LST'd, im gunna waIt about week more so I can clone and flower the clone to sex it. wIll post again soon


I repotted the bagseed plant, im gunna wait till its about 6-8 in. to lst. my auto seed germenated, but I saw a small crack in it/: I planted in a cup of ffof and perlite, after a couple days, no sprout. so I carfully moved the soil off the seed so I cud see it. it looked a little shrivled up but still green. it hasnt came out of the seed yet. so I put it so the root was down in the soil, and the seed side just poking out so it cud get some light. idk tho, hopefully itll take, cuz Its the only auto seed I have. if anyone knows what the best thing to do with the seedling is, please post your opinions. thanks:)