Bagseed can be some great stuff


I am too cheaop and too paranoid to buy seeds so i grow bagseed from mersh.
I cant belive what these come out as at their full potential.
so covered in resin it is a indica strain short n fat very dense budz.
fruity smelling and the samples have been couchlock and great for pain and sleeping problems,especialy when converted to oil with the butane method!!
just dont feel like doin the diary thing yet, after this harvest i am making homemade waterfarms then i will make a diary.thanx for looking and replies are deffinately welcome!bongsmilie



New Member
hey man awesome shit glad they turned out great for ya!! honestly i havnt had any problems ordering from attitude seeds.


COOL THANX FOR THE HEADS UP I WILL CHECK EM OUT.oops caps ,sry man i am wrecked lol. i would love to get a pure sativa to cross these with and get a sweet mother plant eh?


Well-Known Member
NICE plants dude!!!! I'm growing some bagseed stuff right now, but I just switched to 12/12 6 days ago, so most haven't even shown sex yet (but I have 4 definite females so far and I've chopped 2 that were definitely males). Hopefully mine will grow out that nice!!!!



this is 2nd generation seeded with a preffered male. out of 25 o got 12 fems so i am happy but some containers had all male some had all female. whic has caused crowdingin a few pots.
i am hoping to get a reveg of my favorite 2 for clons and of course i saved an refriderated pollen.
i was reading on another site that this guy takes cuttings and puts em in a ziplock into the fridge for up to 75 days and gets em to root.
I am stoked ya'll are loving these pics.
cant wait to get waterfarms going it will be totaly sick!!


i am hoping these will be done in a week or so but these are when they were younger.

veggging at time of 12/12 start and then 3 weeks in.

and the patriots just lost so its a good day lol



Maybe it's the lights, but those sure look like White Widow fems to me......Anyone else think this when they saw these pics?


My camera sux.
Anyway almost done now i hope.
Not sure i keep thinkin 1 more week then the get bigger and fatter n keep going.
Its been better 8 weeks now for 12/12 atleast.
I am hoping to reveg the one with the lighter in the pic as it is the most resinous, healthy looking, and node sights are the tightest.



Active Member
my bag seed experience has been great also, some of the best weed i have smoked, this time if i have a male i'm gonna impregnate one of the girls and have free seeds for next time :)


Commercial weed is dried and cured way different than personaly grown stuff.From harvest to purchase generaly you will lose almost half the potency than when it was fresh(commercial weeed that is)
YAh this is 2nd generation for these ladies i, i pollinated then regrew. and in this batch almost every plant is different but 2 are really spciel so i kept 1 male and just before they openned i cut off the balls, put them in aa jar in the fridge, and pollinated again with my favorites so 3rd gen should be the final to get my mother plants.
Its amaizing how these look so much like plants that pple pay for the seeds first.
saves a ton o money.
Thanx for the comments!! much appreciated.
And yes i have kept all the leaves and made some oil from them with the butane method. OMG!!!! someting really special that stuff was,hehe.